(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you get the hum, the best solution for me was that rechargeable battery pack thats described in the 2nd post. The ac psu plugs into the battery pack and doesn't use the onboard plug. I got one from nonfinite.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's close enough to monday.

Topic closed. Please guys if you want to act like a asshat, please do so on irc. #chipmusic on espernet.
Leave the forums for more useful, helpful, and good natured posts.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thread closed due to its trolling and pointless nature. Nothing good can come from it.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Now that's what I call funny.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh im sorry, I forgot the wink after my post. wink

OH shit I missed the link to the stream. I would of twetteredered it. Next time someone should pm a mod or something.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Feryl wrote:

"the modern chiptune scene is the home of many awesome artists but also some of the most overrated ---- I've ever heard. sorry." -Radix

Who the fuck is Radix.


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

By the way i didn't mean to sound like I was attacking anyone. I'm glad to see the project is being used in every way possible. smile


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*Coughs out a lung in rage*


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Shut up you.


(56 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I recommend finding out what sounds you actually want or like, and go from there. if its NES/gameboy your after, it would be easier for others to help point you in the right direction.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Uhm. If by fun you mean this...

*Topic Closed*

*Topic Reopened* I missed nitro's post


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

May I ask what topic you are referring to that was closed?

nickmaynard wrote:
nordloef wrote:

^This has saved my ass a few times. A MMC with a resent sav and a spare cart is something i always bring with me when I play live.

will an MMC back up all the songs on my cart or just the open song?

i use one to transfer gameboy camera files. i don't know why it never occurred to me to use it to back up music too. thanks!

All savegame data- all songs. I think(?) some of the newer carts dont work(?) maybe the 64m ems or soemthing doesn't. I donno, I've been using the mmc for lsdj since 2001ish. So later carts I dont know.

The best thing about the mmc is its flash storage, so no battery. \o/


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
infradead wrote:

.... ..... ..... ..... ...... .....


Hey, I work here... What's your excuse?


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

its a cart in a mmc in a mmc in a mmc in a mmc in a gameboy