(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i brk4bits

akira^8GB wrote:

This is the exact same model that left independent developers out of publishing on any Nintendo platform. Devkit controlled by Nintendo, "Nintendo seal of aproval" bullshit and what not. I bet by now we all like "black market" dev kits right? smile

Wrong. You had to be licensed by Nintendo, which cost a lot of money. Not to mention the dev tools and hardware.
As of this post it's free to download the developer tools from Apple, though right now the stuff for the iPad is only in beta, which you need to pay to be part of their program. $99 for standard, $299 for "enterprise" ... Which is still a bit cheaper than Microsoft's Visual Studio.

Edit: and yes I'm aware of the crippled "Free" version of Visual Studio. I think I spent 300 for the simplest version of VS to compile Famitracker.

akira^8GB wrote:

However, Apple's attitude regarding development will remain, this will still be a closed platform, with content, both software and media, controlled by Apple.
And that's fucked up. Apple has become worse than Microsoft. This is where I can't see how developers can like this closed platform!

Right. Well I for one don't have a choice. The applications that I use on OSX fucking rule. Secondly Windows as a operating system for the music tech professional who wants every drop of horsepower and solid device drivers, completely fails. Yeah I could run a hackintosh, but we know that only in specific cases with specific hardware most things work pretty well.  Otherwise something work ok, and some just don't work at all.


(26 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

joule wrote:

This thread wasn't about personal attacks. It was about the "creative climate" and it was especially relevant as it concerned the developer/site owner (?) having a big part of affecting this. It was posted in "bugs and requests".

This is what I meant by asking you to be clear about your problems or suggestions. You are too vague. I really do not see a problem in asking you to be specific.

Also this:

joule wrote:

If you at some point can't relate to a thread, or thinks it is negative and should be "attacked", it might be a better idea to 1) ask for clarification, and 2) leave it for later until something good eventually have come out of it. Other people than you may be able to interact constructively with the poster - or it will simply be ignored, which is not a problem.

akira^8GB wrote:

I still don't see what this can do that an iPod Touch can't. Is it a GPU difference only? Well, ho-hum. Without any expansion possibilities (for fuck's sake, put an USB port there. ONE) it's pretty useless. As said, with TouchOSC you can already do the Lemur thing.

It's got a big fucking screen. smile  That alone changes what is possible when compared to the ipod.

Edit: What happens if this sells really well and they are successful? I can imagine a whole new PC market creating similar products, with USB and memory ports, people running Linux on them, prices being comparable with netbooks. etc. What happens if its fail? no big deal.
Really the only problem I see with this product is what was mentioned on createdigitalmusic.com I just don't see any other reason why people should be irritated, annoyed, or pissed off about this product.

neilbaldwin wrote:

Me, I'm in the "this thing has massive potential" camp.

As a digital music player (it's like a massively more sexy Squeezebox), as a portable movie player, as a seriously fucking good touch screen controller, an eBook reader to rule them all.

It's the future. big_smile

I think all us developer/programmer types see it as having potential. smile

dexter wrote:

Sure, it has potential but it is still a massive disapointment. IMO Apple haven't released a tablet yet, I'm praying this is some kind of test prototype that they released.
Still waiting.

If you bothered watching the silly ass keynote, you would of understood that they did not want to create a laptop without a keybaord, nor did they want to make a netbook, they want to create a whole new market that is a tween of smart phones and laptops. Some sort of "look at the internets, play music and videos, check email" like 90% of all computer users do. Which I guess there is a market for.

As for us who want a small sexy laptop that doesn't cost much and is powerful enough to do music and geek out on, it's not coming from apple, I'd put more faith in a hackentosh netbook. We are a minority I guess.
Fuck if they just released a modern 10" laptop I'd be happy.

Speaking of the iPaid, the GPU alone will probably run circles around a modern netbook. I can't wait to see if some interesting interfaces for music creation develop.

tacticalbread wrote:
trash80 wrote:

He was being sarcastic.

Gee, really?


Well your response wasn't as funny.  big_smile

tacticalbread wrote:
aent wrote:

They should invent the iPad Nano

They already have, it's called the iPod touch; it's a really small iPad.

He was being sarcastic.

akira^8GB wrote:

This is such a bullshit product. It's a fucking iPod Touch, only MUCH bigger. What for?T has a millon of usability issues.

Apple pisses me off more and more each day.I am, in a way, glad I haven;t bought an Apple computer since 2005.

It would make a pretty badass lemur replacement for 1/6 the cost.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Giorgio Moroder for sure.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Forget it guys, stay on topic.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Ok look, about joule: his opinion is fine and I'm not trying to escalate the situation any further. I think he's just a little blunt and doesn't give enough detail *for me* to understand what he is looking for. I've been working on this site nonstop and am a bit grouchy.

So please if you have criticism, please back it up with a solution or some ideas, and be exact about your problem.

Anyways about tags: right now tags are broken in a way: when you click on a tag in a member's song page, it should take you to the list with "tag:some_tag" in the search box. But it doesn't work at the moment and I'm busy with other work to fix it right now.

In other words there are 3 special features about the search box:

1. it allows boolean operations.  aka search: gameboy -lsdj would give you all results without lsdj, search: sid +ableton ... would give you all results with sid and ableton.

2. type...  by:trash80 will give you all songs by me, by:akira^8gb would give you all of akira's songs.

3. type.... tag:lsdj will give you all items tagged with "lsdj"

... furthermore title name, author, tags, item description, album name, artist, etc are all indexed in the search.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

akira^8GB wrote:
infradead wrote:

the tags need to be search able in a search bar.

I rather have a tag cloud.

There is not enough data yet to justify that page.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

joule wrote:
trash80 wrote:

also im confused on how the interface is complicated or confusing? there are 3 options and a list.

Joule you are just being nit picky at this point. it's already xtimes better than some other site and it JUST LAUNCHED.

No. I think those are relevant suggestions. The site is not better from a user experience pov. 8BC has its simplicity, focus and clear ideas that attracts attention.


Also you have failed to suggest anything. ever.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

also im confused on how the interface is complicated or confusing? there are 3 options and a list.

Joule you are just being nit picky at this point. it's already xtimes better than some other site and it JUST LAUNCHED.


(96 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

joule wrote:

Well.. I don't think there will be a tendency to change things radically once they have been implemented. That's why I thought i wasn't skipping ahead too much.

The problem with the tags not being in the search bar is a bug that was introduced 2 days ago.
As far as changes. There have been countless changes daily since the site has launched.