Ok i think you win. though with the first option http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ they can then give another license out stating it can be for commercial purposes? thats kinda lame

Also note by AT i meant BY (give attribution)

µB wrote:

Well, that would still leave out the option to demand that derivative works must have attribution and must be released under the same license. I think it's ok if you include attribution with share-alike, those two usually go together.

Edit: So my suggestion for license options would be:

This sounds good. though isnt BY-NC useless with the 2 other options?

akira^8GB wrote:

II would like to be able to select licenses.
Usually, I do not want to allow right off the bat the creation of derived work (remix). Any derived work should be only done with my previous auth. It would be really col for this to be added.

Did you NOT look at the screen shots? You can select a license. And the one your referring to would be BY-NC-ND i guess

ant1 wrote:

My dream would be a netradio! So members could click a button called something like "queue this track to be played on the netradio", and it would be added to the queue, and then after all the requests before that have been played, it gets played. Probably also you'd need to limit the number of requests per member (5 a day or something) to stop the queue getting too long, and have songs 'locked' once they've been requested, for a day at least, so it doesn't become the same stuff over and over.

I know it's probably never going to happen (too much hard work) but it would be an amazing feature.

Easy to do, unfortunately there are soooo many other things on the plate right now.

µB wrote:

Well, that would still leave out the option to demand that derivative works must have attribution and must be released under the same license. I think it's ok if you include attribution with share-alike, those two usually go together.

No no sorry I mean it would make the *AT*  SA to *AT* NC SA

I think AT and NC should be there no matter what.

so maybe AT NC ND, and AT NC SA should be the only 2 options? unless im missing something... ?

µB wrote:

Looking good, thanks for the work!

Question about the license selector: Is this multi-select? I.e. I want to release under AT-NC-SA, is that possible?

No, but I think im going to swap out any of the commercial options. I think everything should be non-commercial if its hosted on this site, of course for you the artist, you can still sell the music you create, the license only applies to viewers. god this shit is confusing.

(which would mean the SA would be NC SA)

Flopps wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Its possible. Im really not looking forward to feature requests as its alot of work getting everything up in the first place. smile

It's like reinventing the wheel when the old wheel was square.

If you need some flash work done for the player hit me up!

Will do.

Another note I always wanted and was thinking about for [insert site] was a kind of jukebox (<- insert a better word here) player where you could have public playlists with comments and realtime interaction.

Update: screen shots of the upload form. It's finished. Next up is the browse page and View item page. Once thats all done we will be good for launch, without a fancy new front page, we can worry about that after launch I think...

Note: The Trashbaby theme is wider because of my browser window size.

Its possible. Im really not looking forward to feature requests as its alot of work getting everything up in the first place. smile

It's like reinventing the wheel when the old wheel was square.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Shouldn't they not be *distributing* something with artwork from a commercial artist without permission? Double standard?


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This has no place in these forums.


(32 replies, posted in Sega)

If there is enough posts and activity in here about Sega then we will find it necessary to add a separate forum for it. We are trying to keep things simple here. smile


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(gets despite for ideas)
A Gameboy pissing on Calvin


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

iLKke wrote:
trash80 wrote:

No anti aliasing, whats wrong with you people.

Haven't you heard? Antialiasing is cool if you do it by hand big_smile

/me inserts a mom-joke


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

What's a ZY, my friend?


Mind my typo. *edits*