(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also note the most CPU intensive bit on mGB is processing pitchbend data, because it is relative and the position needs to be converted from a 14bit number to a relative frequency. I need to redo that math a bit on mGB I'm sure it can be optimized. Again, not using slopes will help greatly.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

akira^8GB wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Hey Akira - Maybe you should post your test project and we can test the sequencing on a real aboy and see if it has the same problems.

Great idea.
Please, someone with an arduinoBoy test this:

On arduinoboy. Tested part with screen on and off too.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

akira^8GB wrote:

How to achieve pitch bending then? This is the only way it works.

No it's not, my example there is a pitchbend, hit cmd+b to switch modes for drawing. or ctrl+b on windows. though your example worked fine on my arduinoboy.


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

As far as mGB is concerned there are a few things to consider...

1. Do not draw lines or slopes in Ableton or other programs. At least in Ableton, CCs of the same value will be sent a million times over, flooding MIDI to mGB. Use the pencel tool instead or make a max4live MIDI effect to filter CCs. Example:



In Ableton use shortcut command CMD+B (OSX) or CTRL+B (Windows) to toggle drawing modes to pencel tool.

2. If you are still experiancing issues, disable the screen. Select+A ... This will improve performance on a DMG, and sound quality.

3. Fresh Batteries. Low batteries will cause performance issues as well.

4. Profit.

You can also not use a DMG, a GBC, SP etc will process data 2x fast. Mind you the serial port on the gameboy was not meant to handle data coming in at this speed. It is all a bit of a hack, there is a buffer to help data not to be missed, but it is possible if you flood mGB with alot of data.


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Not to discourage this thread at all, I'm all for the idea! smile


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

I mean with terminal tie offs.. and uh pots that dont suck ass.

Those pots are good. I have quite a few of them- and you can solder wires easily if you wanted panel mounted. But yeah the pots suck because there isn't enough horizontal space for knobs, pretty lame design but makes for a easy build.
I've used the other shield:


To build this guy:

The through-holes on the bottom made it easy as cake for the LEDs. Pretty simple build if you remember to disable the optoisolator when flashing the arduino.


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Yea it would be awesome to have a sheild that you could say.. add cc pots to big_smile




(24 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Borg Unit Jx1587 wrote:

I don't believe the rating mechanism's effectiveness. Because i bet there are far more better songs which are not on the top rated song lists.

It's automated, based on activity to the song and weighted out by the number of views so that popularity is not a factor. Just by checking out music on this site you are contributing to the system.


(29 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I have mine now too, I love the simplicity over my old and now gone (sadness) midibox sid. Just need to make a nice editor via m4l/max ... stupid java app isn't wanting to edit patches rawr!


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DSC wrote:


I appreciate you coming forward. If you wish I can restore your original posts without issue (which I think we should). My intention was not to deter you from this project but of course I had to say something. I'm not going to say anything else on the matter. There are things here that need to remain off the forums as they are not beneficial to anyone.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NeX wrote:

i think you missed the "leave Britney alone" quote,

sure people can disagree, but politely, and when people put their ideas out negative feedback can be quite devastating, and i know thats just part of life, but the people making the negative feedback can at least try to do it in a more polite way.

also i think people are looking at what it is, which is just a prototype at the moment, they are not looking at its potential, which could be really really great with enough development. nothing is perfect the first time.

I'm sorry I was harsh but hey, it was 1 post where I was blunt. It was not a personal attack, and no of course I cannot condone it. How would you feel if you did a slew of research & development for free, for the community, to then have someone else turn around and use it for profit without permission?


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yes I was harsh. The reason being is that I received emails and such from them and never replied.
Because to me:
- Missing major components and completely missing the idea and heart of chip music in general.
- mGB only + Arduinoboy in a rack case that was bodged together seemed like a clumsy solution and I can easily foresee longterm stability issues.
- It was way over priced, but on the flip side there is a lot of work involved. Just not practical.
- When I make something for free I want others to have the same respect to the work I put into it. It was and will not be used for profit from my side, so I can not condone it.
- There are better & more flexible solutions to recreate chip sounds without using old hardware. Like I said before, FPGA, etc.
- Possible legal issues if it was a commercially made product.

There were some other things I didn't like but I don't see how listing them would be conductive to this discussion. Some of which I found offensive and or personal preference.

Also note I did state that it was a community site and he could continue on without my support, I wasn't going to stop discussion for my own personal issues, but it was rather difficult to remain silent.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I can understand a one-off or a few units for people or whatever, but honesty thinking about it, it would need to be reworked so that there is 1 microcontroller working with midi, redo the screen pcb and possibly the screen itself into a new physical format so it's not terribly hacky, the cart slots would also HAVE to be accessible- They do get bumped, they will crash, they could be wiped, without easy physical access I can foresee many issues.  as well all buttons would need to be accessible to adress all of the functionality.

For a "Product" and not just a few custom units, I would suggest ditching the idea entirely and just going with FPGA and r2r DAC or something. Which is a larger scope project but much easier to produce.

As far as mGB and Arduinoboy are concerned the licensing allows distribution with commercial products as long as any modified source is released to the public. But then again, there have been countless man-hours spent on those projects FOR THE COMMUNITY and not for someone to turn around and make a buck on. I don't want money, it was made for it's purpose and will still be maintained that way.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DSC wrote:

If you do not condone it and it's running your software and this site is run by you, I find it hard to continue this thread if it insults you.
That was not my intention and I appreciate the software you created.
I will take my project somewhere else in respect to your establishment.

No, it's not my establishment. Continue on.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DSC wrote:

Well that's disappointing.
Since this is your site, do you want me to pick up my toys and go somewhere else?
Are you man enough to answer this question?

It's not my site, this is a community and everyone's entitled to their opinion.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Honestly I think this is sad. 2 hacked gameboys in a 2u fullspace rack is kind of a insult. You would be better off using a FPGA and doing your own device, not to mention Nintendo licensing. You though of that right?

Sorry but I think you are doing it wrong. Any real professional musician as you would put it, (like myself) would rather use a plugin with a laptop than bother with a few hacked up gameboys running mgb. 

Innovate not emulate.

*does not condone or admire*