Didn't mention it here, but I sent you some things, do visit your e-mail box courier post haven.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Crystal Labs wrote:

Some WIP stuff from a game some friends and I are working on.

Is that some High Strangeness I see there?

Spoiler:  yes, yes it is.

low-gain wrote:

i take it i didn't get the S&S  sad

Oh crap, I forgot to PM you back, sorry!  Went through the e-mails and thought I had taken care of everything...

And I'm afraid not, however I haunt my local Goodwill and I'll post again if I manage to come across another.  Circuit-benders have to stick together, you know!

Speak and spell sold, e-mails gone around now.  Thanks for the offers friends!

I've tried to follow this and have had issues using a link cable I bought from kitsch.  Perhaps someone would be willing to join me in this journey into why the hell it doesn't work properly?

http://kitsch.bigcartel.com/product/dmc … link-cable

I mean, clearly the colors are mixed up, but for the life of me I can't figure out which is which.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

rRootage!  Freeware and amazing.

Beverage wrote:

Edit:  I didn't see you were after a DS, but anyway......

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/563/f … available/

Bent stuff for music and/or live visuals perchance?  I'd be willing to ship of a bent SNES for your shindig.

i was so confused... XD

DS, SNES, these acronyms man.  What can you do?  Haha.  I hope you can get things back on track, I've always wanted to come visit Boston and see you and the Boston8bit crew live.  Unfortunately my only DS has a shattered top screen, not much to do with that huh.


(50 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)



(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

http://lazerscale2010.com/filter.php?ar … e=beverage

And to make things even better, it updates daily!  I'd consider most/all of this WIP, so I figure it fits here.  Have at it, and if you've any comments, the page for the specific song is fine or mention here and let me know the name.  smile

Edit:  I didn't see you were after a DS, but anyway......

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/563/f … available/

Bent stuff for music and/or live visuals perchance?  I'd be willing to ship of a bent SNES for your shindig.

Bump, prices dropped some more and e-mails sent out.

Also, if anyone has an OPL3-ready laptop, I'm willing to trade for that.  I've been on the hunt for something I can run AT2 on.

herr_prof wrote:

I must say, Thanks Beverage.

I wasn't trying to "hate on" the awards gala.  I respect what you did, I respect TCTD, and I'm proud to see the first attempt at something like this went well.  big_smile

Must say, a lot of those awards were pretty predictable, all that aside, looks like it was a great time.  I'm loving these pictures and videos - currently watching Oxygenstar's set.  Amazing.

Everything you guys did was really well put together and I'm glad to hear good things.  Well done.

Prices are negotiable, but I really do attempt to give you the best deal I can manage.  I know what it's like to be low on cash - that would by why you're reading this thread.  Also, please see e-bay, I base my prices off of a few dollars less than what they go for there.  Bent sales take precedence over unbent sales in terms of offers/"dibs" calling. 

Shipping NOT included.  I prefer to discuss this in specific as shipping can costs all sorts of random things based upon your location.

SNES.  Currently stock, but am willing to bend to look like these (like the one on the left specifically unless you specify a specific enclosure I can go buy).  Includes power cable, coaxial video out (has another plug on it plus a switch if you use your TV for cable or something), and one controller.  I have one extra controller, I'll toss it in for $5.  Super Mario World is an extra $5 (or free if you buy the bent SNES) as are Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2, and Mickey Mania (-$5 for all four together).

A couple of videos about the bent one have been made:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw-qLE7eMbk    - thanks to I Need A Medic

$40 unbent, $120 bent.

If it helps, I have dealt with chipmusic folks before.  They have said nothing but kind things about me.
http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=16098    - From I Need A Medic who bought a bent SNES off of me
http://8bitcollective.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=9878     - From Kitsch who I have bought from

Trades and partial trades (trade plus cash from either side of the trade (and hey, I'm on the hunt for a nanoloop cart, hint hint)) are acceptable, but not preferred.  I'm from northern Virginia, USA if that means anything to you.  PMs are awesome, but also you can e-mail me at

admin (shift 2) beveragestuff (key to the right of comma) net

Nothing I own has MIDI.  I'm probably going to end up shelling out more money than I'd like to talk about for a MIDI device once this is finished.

Not sure what I can do to help, but I know my way around Java and C.  Call upon me if there's something I might be able to do.