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Topics by NeX
Posts found: 337-352 of 412
e.s.c. wrote:next step is clearly to do another, this one with spring reverb 
no, this is seriously a cool mod, even if im personally not too into reverb
i was thinking about what i could fit in there, i think anything else other than a reverb would have been too big, but its still fun, you get some weird effects when adjusting the duty cycle
low-gain wrote:I'm designing a delay based around that chip.. should be cool.
I'm also building up a few stereo delay boxes based off the Rebote 2.5 delay circuit..
wont it into a nuby though. hahaha
that sounds cool i would like to see that, are you going to post them here?
scienceguy8 wrote:That has got to be the largest free-form circuit I have ever seen.
its about half the size of a golf ball! 30 components
low-gain wrote:i was just gunna ask if that was a pt2399 circuit. hahahaha.. you're crazy man.. lol.. i'd never have the patience to rock a point to point on that. Very cool mod though! you should install a momentary pushbutton that bypass's the 15K repeat resistor for an infinite Slam switch! :-D
ooh now there's an idea! i might give that a go actually, its got to come apart anyway to fit a power switch,
and yea i did one on PCB that didn't fit so it had to go smaller, but i didn't realise just how many components there were! i had to start routing the legs of some components around other components just to hold it all together, and it was still a tight fit
boomlinde wrote:That's a neat looking mod! I would love to see a diagram of the circuit, too. Judging by part count, it looks cheap enough.
i do have a circuit diagram but it needs cleaning up, the circuit uses 30 (including the IC) components and is based on the PT2399, it cost me a lot in parts but then i was stocking up on components so i ordered about 200 of each component. i have about 10 of the PT2399 chips too.
only real problem is that its mono, for my next mod i will be doing two circuits so i can get stereo.
this is my nuby reverb box, it plugs into the bottom of the gameboy and adds a reverb to the pro sound. there is still a couple of things i would like to add to this like an on off button, but i am pleased with how it works
the new circuit

i had to make a change to face plate so i made a new one.

i needed to step down the 9v to a steady 5, so i used a gameboy regulator board, they are awesome!

i have a second input just as a through for the original audio jack, but this is not wired up yet as i don't have a 3.5mm jack socket

the two pots and the 1/4 inch jack, i used stereo pots because they are actually cheaper

ovenrake wrote:did shitwave starting making different sounds when the contrast was adjusted? or was that just me?
no my gameboy has a pot on the side under the contrast wheel that controls the pitch bend, its a slide pot, 100k i think.
nitro2k01 wrote:It's not s***wave, it's shit***e dammit!
lol, well i read the forum rules and it says "as a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't send it to your gran we don't want it here" so it got censored, but really its called SHITWAVE!!!! (all caps)
Theta_Frost wrote:I've been waiting for people to exploit the LTC1799 controlled clock! I've been thinking about a cv sequencer to vactrol to gameboy with the droner... should prove cool! Nice one! 
awesome, i would love to know more about that,
i am making a wave form editor for mine, it takes a repeating clock signal, either from a 555 or from a midi signal, and then controls how it rises and falls,
in the video there is a capacitor across the output so that is rises and falls smoothly, also helps to provent crashing, at the end of the video the gameboy crashes, thats why the sound changes
damn, my nes just wont boot! i think its game over for the poor thing. i need a new nes
the mist toggles wrote:nice to see some effort on this!!
isn't it easier to do it the software way though?
I hope there is enough people with interest in this to motivate nitro to add more to shitwave 
Count me as one of them
i see what you mean about software, if shitwave was setup to recive LSDJ signals then it could change in time to the beat, but my guess is that shitwave is probably limited in what it can do because it seems to be just the CPU droning, its just randomly moving memory around to make a drone, and to ask it to listen for LSDJ bytes would mean it would have to be totally redesigned.
but either way this method is actually very simple, and it adjusts the clock, so actually it could be anything, not just shitwave
part of a big project i am working on, this feature will allow sync'd drone modification during a live performance. at the moment it is a bunch of chips soldered together on my desk so next job is to neaten it all up
nitro2k01 wrote:Crazy idea... You could stack another 4021 on top of the existing one. Solder all the pins except 3, 7, 9 and 10 to the bottom chip. 3, 7, 9, 10 is what transmits the data and powers the chip, so connect these as appropriate to the second cable. Also connect ground on the second cable to any ground point on the board.

you are going to have to bare with me on this one, my NES has decided to stop booting! let me see what some rubbing alcohol can do
tacticalbread wrote:NeX wrote:how does that sound?
I would definitely be interested in one when I'm not completely broke. 
haha thats what i am afraid of! well i am going to aim the ebay listing to end on a pay day or something lol
tacticalbread wrote:I would totally buy a MIDI DMG. I wouldn't care about the heart, or the Pocket screen, I'd just want MIDI.
my plan is to take a yellow DMG, fit it with pro sound and a yellow backlight, maybe bi inverted for high contrast and then fit midi as i have the go ahead from Trash80, instead of the heart it would just have a row of LEDs along the bottom to indicate mode. all the bits are in the post and on there way here so this is going to happen just as soon as it all arrives.
i would then post build pics here to people can see what its like, and then list it on ebay for what it cost me to build, then i will know what people are willing to pay for these things.
how does that sound?
TREYFREY wrote:I would totally buy gameboys from you. This is awesome.
thats good to hear because i have a gameboy on the way which i will mod and throw up on ebay to see just how many people are interested
Posts found: 337-352 of 412