
An original and well crafted GB Album! Good work, boys!


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

cak wrote:

I'm really missing this place...I hope it comes back soon.

You're missing the equivalent of a deserted ghost town?


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Why does it matter?


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

[offtopic] I really want to go to Louisiana in the next year or so on vacation. I'll surely be hitting some of you up to chill [/offtopic]


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Great to see you finally got all of this put together! Looking forward to listening to it!

Leeni and Computeher (of 8BW)


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Sincere thanks to all of you!


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

1. Be A Family Man (SSF2 - Guile's Theme)
2. Cheosmen II (Cheetah Men II - Overworld)
3. WoGo feat. Wiklund (loonie - wogo)
4. Quest Battle (FFMQ - Battle Theme 1)
5. Tough And Cool (T&C Surf Design - Theme)
6. Turquoise Palace (miau - Turquoise Palace)
7. Elevator Music 11 (DOOM - E1M1)
8. Intro Stage Dive Into The Abyss (MM7 - Intro Stage Reprise)

A collection of various covers I've tracked on the NES the past few years. Art by KeFF (konttine.tumblr.com)


The Silph Scope wrote:

Layer a DPCM kick for punch + tri kick for deep umph

This with a ZXX command on the Kick to add a bit of snap.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

Amazing work, RJ1!



(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Twas a good song, I enjoyed it.


(25 replies, posted in Past Events)

Good luck, friend! I hope it goes well smile

edit: u n00b jajajajajaja xD


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jolly wrote:

Which sounds in songs do you like more? For me, it's a tie. I like the NES sounds because they give me more of the retro-vibe, and I like the GB sounds because they're more chippy. So... which one do you like more?

Jolly wrote:

... more chippy.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kimbersprophet wrote:

i guess i was wrong in my previouse statement but to be ignored must mean im to much of a "noob" to hang out with you guys..... but if i am right, surley you guys (and girls ((if any )) are destroying yourselfs with your rightiousness

(i know i cant spell.... im sexlexic xxxx)

Destroying ourselves?

You'd be quite surprised at the growth the scene has made, at least technically, since it's early days. Socially, it's a double edged sword.

It's only natural for us, a hard working and passionate community, to be displeased with knockoffs that sells themselves on novelty and cheap tricks. We work hard for what we create, we're fucking good at it, and it's worth being prideful.