(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh, this is just fucking fantastic. DOWNLOADED.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh, excellent! Definitely looking forward to this.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Oooh, I've been keeping up with this on cerror's tumblr. Cool!!! big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Decktonic wrote:

coming soon: Da Pantz & Decktonic - BASS JEEM

Oh god, yes.

kitsch wrote:

damn.  the rom.  oh my. 

jeez.  this.

*hides under table, chanting* pleasenodrama pleasenodrama pleasenodrama pleasenodrama


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

*is now inspired to use nanoloop on my iPhone*

That LSDJ player ROM, FUCK

Stevens wrote:

You're forgetting Kittenrock hasn't released one yet. That's all I'm saying.



(92 replies, posted in Releases)

For the second compilation, are you going to have an all new lineup, or a mix of new and old? I can see the benefits of both!

The season of compilations! I dare say this one might trump em all!

Ahh, that would explain the misunderstanding. Thanks!

Zen Albatross wrote:

I think there's been some confusion here: the MAG announcement was a general open call for performers (vg cover bands, etc), but the chip showcase has always been organized separately. There have been no announcements about that yet.

I got an IM from someone on the chip music showcase side yesterday, with essentially this same information. Now I'm doubly confused.

Some clarity, folks?

Submitted this stuff yesterday afternoon! Here's hoping the early bird catches the worm.


(92 replies, posted in Releases)

herr_prof wrote:

Its a paid to have to manually transfer stuff from your paypal im sure.

Heres an idea, once the paypal push is done maybe make the comp for free with a link to the various cancer charities?

Great effort dudes!

Perfect idea!

In my case, anger is the most inspiring. Writing music is actually really difficult for me other wise.