(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

µB wrote:
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

The thing is that I can separate which ones can see my feeds, something I can't do on twitter or facebook. Like, Chip stuff I would share with chip people, other stuff to friends, nothing to my collegues from work.

Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that exactly what Friend Lists on Facebook do?

Yeah, but G+ makes it a lot simpler. Circles are just, there, you can't have a "friend" without a circle.

You have to manage facebook groups, it's different, more complicated.

All the tracks put a smile on my face. Nice. big_smile

edit: typo


(12 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Oh but I have, Frostbyte. I've been thinking of going for it again, but I'd need to borrow an ext. hard drive. Backing up is such a pain. Takes ages and I always end up with randomly corrupted files.

Chunter: Yeah,I have Lmms and try to play with it every so often, but it crashes on me a lot. I've heard of rosegarden, I'll try that out, but right now I'm really liking pxtone.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. big_smile

chunter wrote:
Xuriik wrote:

...what are some non-tracker options? Besides a DAW, of course.

Try any MIDI sequencer. Most DAWs are decended from sequencers. Why do you want to avoid them? You are already working with Audacity, right? It is an obvious progression.

Well, I can't really RUN a DAW right now, I'm running ubuntu linux as my only os because my hard disk is so fcked up with bad sectors windows has a nasty tendency to take hours for moving files around, when it's not having blue screens. Lmms crashes just playing some notes on my laptop keyboard after a few minutes, on the native vst's, not recording. Yeah, not the best situation, but I can't really afford a new laptop at the moment, student costs and all.

Plus I'm a little overwhelmed by DAW's. Once I tried Ableton and no amount of forums or youtube videos ever managed to teach me anything that stuck.

Sheet-music arrangey thing?

Thanks, never heard of px tone, nor gave nanoloop a real glance thinking it was a tracker.

Lol, my options are connect something to something else with midi then?

I'm extremely new at this. (By this I mean a year or two, picking up and dropping my handhelds for musical purposes every once in a while)

But trackers aren't my thing. I keep going back to my bought copy of lsdj, the manual, trying something out, unhappy with it, reading a million how-to's and anything else I can get my eyes on about it, and trying again.

I just can't get into it. It's not fun. It's, just, eh. I have fun using audacity, mixing, recording, changing pitch, blowing garbled noise into the crappy mic and applying a million filters just for kicks. I have fun playing with trippyH, DS-10, M01, MuddyGB, pixelh8's music tech, etc, and just piecing it together in haphazard ways or as I originally thought it out in my head.

I could be wrong, and trackers are the way to go, but just for my stubborn head; what are some non-tracker options? Besides a DAW, of course.

Rainbowdragoneyes wrote:

Everyone here is so funny and creative and each post is funnier than the last I can't wait for more to happen

Everyone here is "so" funny and "creative" and each "post" is funnier than "the" last "I can't wait" for more to "happen"

Woah, stumbled into this thread way too deep in.

Surface Dragon, could I get a copy of the dmg image litewall? [email protected]

Thanks in advance. smile


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm interested in one, or both, of the dmg's and whatnot, I'll pm later, but I'm really posting to ask how you get that nice look on your pictures. smile