egr wrote:

There's lots of sample usage in GBA games.  There are even tools that will rip all the sounds from a game into a soundfont for you.

awesome! in that case, i'd be all for sample usage on a gba tracker. they sound lush as all get-out, but still have that old-timey distortion to it


(103 replies, posted in Collaborations)

andrio wrote:

16. Aw yeah smile

Sent email.

Another 16yr-old Sydney chiptune dude? Fuckin' awesome! big_smile

martin_demsky wrote:

Do you want to play samples on a GBA? It sounds weird, ofcourse GBA have powerful ARM7TDMI RISC CPU and that Z80-clone for backward compatibility, but for sample-based tracker i like to use everything else, like SunVox tracker for iOS, or Cinemax's Rytmik for Nintendo DS.

Now, I might be totally wrong on this one, but I've been playing through Fire Emblem 8 again, and some of the sounds feel like they've been sampled. It's really clean, but still has that oldskool atmosphere to them - like the Amiga has a particular distortion to sampels played back on it, the GBA has it's own.


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

godinpants wrote:

The thing about Mka snares is that through a decent system it feels like getting speared through the head.

i can vouch for this

Saskrotch wrote:
_-_- wrote:

Wow. No. The limitation lies not in the software.
Although I agree that there is no software that utilizes the full potential of the GBA hardware, nanoloop is far from limited.

The question is really what would be interesting on the hardware- not how much it could computationally do.

I think nanoloop embodies that in a good way- It takes advantage of how minimal the controls are of the system and presents the user of a intuitive, fun & quick way of composing music. If you want to make something more complex, do so- I find no trouble in creating very lush sounds & music with nanoloop.

Sorry if I'm sounding harsh, I just don't think we should lay blame on tools that can be used in so many ways by so many different people.

he might be talking about how you're limited to a very small amount of writing space per track / per channel.

Nope, I'm pretty much talking about what wedanced said. It can generate some cool noises,but there's really not that much fine control over parameters and values. I think trying to get a perfect on-tempo-speed LFO was impossible.

I'm surprised nobody's brought this up yet. I personally wouldn't pay ~$80 for something that hasn't got as much control or user-friendliness as LSDJ, which can cost anything from five cents to ten bucks and over. However I got my cart in a trade for a broken DMG, so I can't complain!


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:
Chainsaw Police wrote:

naaaaah, i'm quite sure it was 'check this out', despite the sample being named VOC_TakeThisOut.wav

Sounded like "Take This Out" to me...


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

it was definitely "take this out"

naaaaah, i'm quite sure it was 'check this out', despite the sample being named VOC_TakeThisOut.wav

wedanced wrote:

GBA desperately needs a program that can push its capabilities. samples, synthesis, etc.
The thing can basically play back mods but nobody does it.

amen to that. nanoloop is good, but extremely limited to what it can do (and it also looks hella weird).
a mod tracker would be awesome! sample-based tracking and perhaps wavetable synthesis would make the GBA the only platform you'll ever need for music.


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It is the year of our lord 2012 AD, and McDonalds is the biggest sponsor of the Olympic Games.

I think we've finally reached the point where satire doesn't need a punchline.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

give me the ANIMLZ kit or give me death


(8 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

I'll give it a go too, see what I can come up with for the hell of it.
Hope all goes well on the music side of things!


(22 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

fuck definitions of genres. why do they even matter

I've got the didge-playing thing all sorted out (except circular breathing, almost there on that one) - being abbo, my dad pretty much encourages it more than anything else I've done tongue

I was actually joking to my sis a while ago about didge+chip. Looks like it's already been done/though of!

infradead wrote:

anolog FM at its finest.

Aah, that's a cool way to think about it! (especially since I have a perpetual fm synthesis boner)

kitsch wrote:

without circular breath its really not the same though.  that is so weird, even trying it is uncomfortable in a way.

True true. It does help your breathing though. And with a good solid breath, you can get a good two minutes-ish out of it. I think I reached three once, on a single breath. It's not a constant perpetual motion, as you might think.

For anyone that wants to give it a go, it's almost like keeping a bit of breath in your cheeks. when you run out of breath you compress your cheeks and push this little burst of air out, while taking a breath through your nose and starting the cycle again. It's an incredibly cool technique, one that takes a lot of practice.

Victory Road wrote:

if you ever come to sydney there are always dudes down in circular quay playing didge to psy/goa/illbient backing tracks. it's great.

Hell yeah! Circular Quay is chock-full of those kinds of busking acts. I remember hearing a few back when I was, like, 10yrs old or something. The wonky sound of the didge fits perfectly with a lot of psytrancey stuff.

wandering genie wrote:

one should spend time in developing skills with it. By the way, there are lots of things appart from "circular breathing" to master the didj.

True. you should get the lip movement down-pat before anything, it's pretty much paramount. Circular breathing is pretty low on the priorities list.

Bit wish wrote:

One of my suspicions is that zeds dead uses it.

LMAO. Zeds wouldnt use it. All electro producers nowadays just load up a simple single-cycle waveform or something similar and layer it over a 4 to the floor kick. Sad but true.

Je Mappelle wrote:

aphex twin

Y'know, I really wouldn't be surprised if Aphex Twin used LSDj, even if it was emulated.

Victory Road wrote:

the gamecube adapter is supposed to sound pretty good and apparently you don't have to worry about slowdown at all either.

i haven't tried one myself though so this is just what i've read

yeah, i've heard its pretty accurate, it's quick, and sounds a bit like a GBA in terms of sound. Paging Arnie/datathrash/egr, I know he's got one!


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

I still need to make a note of listening to and buying this. I loved your first EP, and have been listening to it on repeat for ages now.
I'm hoping this will be better!