(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Telerophon wrote:

Let me know your prices when/if you sell.

He's asking for money to pay for the lot by selling off some of what is in it.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I use vba to test all my saves to my carts (not just lsdj)


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In vba you want to select load battery file, not sav. it calls a gameboy sav file a battery file


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

what are you guys even doing what's happened to this place


(23 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It matters how much humidity it is exposed to. also flux helps greatly with getting a nice wet joint


(23 replies, posted in Trading Post)

:doubled please delete:

It's more fun than useful to have a pitch bend. because there is no certain way to link it to anything (bpm)...

Just for backup on what he is saying, a good clean custom DMG with a backlight and prosound is definitely worth more than 100 as long as its real premium like this. someone who has done like a million (probably more) like ape definitely deserves payment for the skill as well as product. I'd go right around 105$ shipped on a backlit grey boy without the buttons or prosound pcb. it adds up quick. Especially with the price of game boys rising... I miss 10$ dmgs

Not kidding, go to a RadioShack and get one of those project books. they honestly will help you get a grasp of electronic basics. Or sign up for the instructables newsletter, and give a go at one of the projects that is featured. the basics in electronics are relatively easy to learn, things like current voltage and resistance. With two you can always find the third.

Make some simple led circuits out of a battery holder from a place like RadioShack or FRYZ (think that's what it's called. None locally more out west) and then some LEDs from there as well. A big old pack of cheaply resistors of all different values does not cost much there either.

The best book, google. Seriously. It's free and can answer extremely specific things. Wikipedia actually has good articles about most components.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mgb is not the same, the led circuit is different. I do not hav the correct specs on the power led circuit but I remember it not being close to the same.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The power circuit for the led has a Zener diode, which from what nex (Ralph) told me is what prevents it from burning out any LEDs.

Edit: I hate you auto correct

Your computer may need drivers to get those ports to work correctly. I know some towers I have worked on require some drivers installed to support all of the built in card readers and USB hubs. Where to get these drivers... that's sometimes a good question depending on age of tower etc.


(23 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Smart card usually refers to ems carts. smart boy is how people have referred to smart boy cart/programmer. Usually if someone means smart boy, they specifically say that.

I am we'll aware of the scene, the terms it uses, where it has been, and what things are generally called. Specifically flash carts, which have always been a large interest of mine. I've even been messing with building my own for quite a while now. maizemods.blogspot.com

Also the transferrer is still available here

Edit: with a d


(23 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Telerophon wrote:

produced with higher quality

The bleepbloop carts had gold plated and bezeled edge connectors, they were higher quality.

the smart card requires the ems flasher, the carts are not compatable with the same flasher. However both flasher are compatable with backing up the save from either or from their own.

The smart cards can still be gotten straight from hk ems and at a reasonable price. have you checked out their site?

Edit: d's on that bitch


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Could you please shoot me an email to 12ianma(at)gmail.com?


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have too many to post