(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think it may have bad ICs/solder issues. Reflow the cart, then reflash. It's your only choice. This is not a cart connector issue.


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's a faulty cart from kitsch. It won't work without repair.

You can open up another battery file in whatever emulator you are on. When you open a Rom in most emulators it creates a sav of the same name. Change the settings to not auto create the file. An then manually open the save you want each time you run it. The default file it will create ha the exact same name as the Rom you open.

Are you using lsdj v3 or higher ? (just asking, because that's required to use the manager)

Which smart cart do you have? If you send me both the computer and gameboy saves, I will gladly merge them for you


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I use the same small RadioShack iron, but I also use a hot air station now. much cleaner work. I suggest you grab a cheapy one Justin, you can get en for like 70$ on eBay with the 110v ac plug


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'd recommend either a gameboy color, a gameboy advanced or maybe a pocket. I think pocket CPUs can handle more aswell. All 3 are pretty cheap. Under 25$ just about anywhere. Pockets maybe even as little as 15, and gameboy colors about 15 aswell


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Other than using newer versions, and changing the writing style, there isn't much you can do besides updating hardware. some gameboys naturally work better than others. an sgb CPU DMG will chug along nicely. hardware is something to consider in the future, and the latest software should be considered now. which version of lsdj are you currently using?


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

When you play one of the pokemons through the emulator, is it buggy? Like does the game snag and such...

does the n64 controller get 5v supplied to it? I wonder if it just just doesn't have enough voltage/amperage. I don't know much about the inside if the transfer pack, I'm just thinking out loud.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Bleepbloop carts (both USB and non can be flashed via flasher)

Also I feel as if it would be more reliable because you know the size of ram and flash, it's not variable like the game carts. It's the same size every time


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You could always make a utility to write a Rom that writes to the cart, that way any flash cart would work. because there is already the rom/save dumper.


(51 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can always win with a DMG and pocket LCD


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Too bad they have no mention of the everdrive 64. Most 64drive guys don't listen to updates that have taken ace on everdrive... The everdrive has 100% compatability aswell, and has the fastest loading times. plus it uses sd, which is cheaper and easier to acquire than CF. of course the cf used to be faster, but now with the OS updates and such everdrive is the fastest. no one even mention the neo myth 64 lol. Not even in the game.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

They should be different. they have different CPU all together. (pocket vs DMG/sgb1)

Did you take the battery out of your cartridge? and did you save over it? You may have not read the SRAM correctly.

That's how he does special orders for people.


(150 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Prices dropped on prosound boards and leds