(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Oh I forgot to say how fun this games is! felt very inspired by its simplistic fun. Could you reverse engineer a Rom though?  pretty sure you could just run the code from gyromite after the control buttons were pressed (the game just runs flashes on the screen) you may be able to do it without even having a rob. A guy in this thread actually found the data out for gyromite movements

http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/17 … homebrews/


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Hmm had an idea, you could use the controls from gyromite to control a rob to switch the "ego" using the gyromite pieces to press a and b. not very efficient but would add a cool feature. Plus I'm sick of just gyromite as I can't afford stack up pieces:/ I'd help donate any resources I could to help if you wanted to add that feature, could just be a pipe dream of mine for a third rob title lol

Version 2! yobo FC with screen mounted/soldered into boards. screen turns on with yobo. (I connected video (signal and sheild) shield acts as ground, so when you connect the positive of the screen to your power supply, it does not turn on until power is completed through the yobo) This way there is only one power switch/power supply!
Sorry for the bad pictures it's late at night here and in super tired:


(32 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SD card support sounds promising. And it's a direct pin to pin thing. Or you can buy one of these boards for 20$


(32 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Emailed. Interested!


(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is sold. Sorry I thought I posted that it was. I'm working on another pocket, and would work on a custom one if you want. [email protected]

Took all parts and put in clear DMG. also added red nes buttons. so THIS particular gameboy is no longer for sale.

That price is shipped almost anywhere...

Any interest?


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I runnit on windows 7 32 bit all day long? email me man I can help you get it rolling on that. 64bit win7 is the bitch, 32 bit is simple really. [email protected]

I'm not selling anything else...? Lol

Fixed now sorry, forgot to put that in...

Well this is one of the cleanest DMGs I've ever touched. The backlight is a v3 super bright white and really looks nice. NO DUST OR DIRT AMYWHERE IN SCREEN. Has dip version inversion chip as I dropped the last smt in my garage and couldn't find it under the workbench:/ doesn't really mean anything though. Pics speak better words lols, so here she is.. would like 120$ but Will entertain offers to [email protected]

Maize productions presents this fine beauty:

It wil be mounted with 4 small bolts and locknuts.

Any interest in these if I made them? Work really well and it would deffinetly help any live performers so you wouldn't need a huge screen. The tiny screen swivels much like a gps on a suction mount, and is 3.5inches with some crazy resolution.  the screens have adjustment and are quite nice for the size. Also has the correct aspect ratio so no stretch/distorting of picture. Here's some "teaser" pics (screen would be mounted in a more attractive location, its just sitting on the console):