I will save fragments to borrow them into other songs later, because "composing" is when you put the bits together.

I also recommend the aannannnana (I'll fix the spelling later maybe) releases to illustrate that short pieces can be expressive, because 2 minutes is often a good length for their sort of piece. It's important to enjoy the learning process because so much of the creative process can be frustrating. Make silly stuff sometimes, it's okay.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Both releases have great continuity when I playlist everything and listen with gapless playback and a little bit of midrange scoop. Nearly an hour of music. Hard shoulder sounds more like typical aanaaanaaanaaana, Snow Rules shows how much you've grown in the past few years.

Gravity Master has some lovely ideas in the second half. olm 2 has good chord/bass interplay and rhythm. small uninhabited has a nice song form. bufonic is lovely in a shocking way. Good vocal on twix wrapper. Minimal rhythmic interplay in anmonds_no_sugar. See if you can follow up gary_girl in the next battle of the bits low-memory module compo. Many good melodic ideas throughout, and I don't mean Ode to Joy.

Happy Christmas!

I blend everything I like...  is that off-putting?

Remember that minimal doesn't mean do the same thing repeatedly, it means changing very little so that once enough small changes add up, you are surprised that they added to become a big change. It is difficult to do well and helps to have an audience to experiment with.


(8 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

If you know it always happens, try starting with lower volume settings in the first place and turn your output volume up. (that's what "headroom" means, btw)


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The last time this came up in an IRC channel, someone made a comment about the Von Trapp family learning to sing, referring to the way "Do Re Mi" is in The Sound of Music (which is the major scale, btw...)

All the composing classes I have ever taken assume that a student is capable of making up a melody that begins and ends on the tonic (same home) note, so you must reach that point on your own before most tutorials will help. I recommend this series in its entirety:

You will know where your skills need work from the points where you lose track of what he is talking about. Watch as many times as you need.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

I made a how-to video:

I can imagine Anamanaguchi doing a cover of that...

My answer for the OP is that I can literally start and end with anything. I will change my starting point frequently to keep from getting writer's blocks and creative ruts, and it doesn't always work.

PleaseLoseBattle wrote:

Same here, I'm glad to read this. I can't understand how kfaraday and the others make killer tunes in less than 1 hour.


My answer to the OP is that it depends on the terms, which for me is short term and plain terms for payment.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good being a relative thing, monotrons are a bit on the noisy side, but they self oscillate like a boss.

herr_prof wrote:

guys we are only a few years away from the classic gamecube sound.

Is circuit bending CD players for effect a thing?

The reason for bringing it up is that someone in an IRC room was describing PS1/PS2 sound in that way as well, and I answered that "the sound" is a bunch of period-correct romplers...


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

Irc confuses me because there always seems to be lots of people logged in but no one ever says anything or responds at all. Are they all bots or leftover accounts or something? Does everyone hate me and refuse to acknowledge my presence? I don't understand irc! :'(

While that is part of the point I was making (that #chipmusic is a relatively lifeless channel) keep in mind that when I come home from work and log my client in, I'm checking for conversation and then going about my business if I don't have anything to say. In busy channels more than half the users will answer when addressed directly but are probably up to something else at the same time.

There was a problem I used to have with AIM and Y! where certain friends of mine assumed that by logging in it meant I wanted to spend the entire four hours chatting and not maybe making a little music and picking up the house now and then, getting pissed off because my replies aren't immediate. Certain people aren't wired for certain kinds of interaction.


(7 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

DOS has environment variables you set "BLASTER=220" to point at the addresses of your sound card. If your sound is PlugNPray but doesn't have an appropriate driver for use in DOS it won't work. My memory regarding the timing of when these different things came out is fuzzy as I used a 16 bit card with address jumpers for most of the 90s.


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

We have an IRC channel, if only people would chat on it.


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I feel awful sometimes regarding the people I'm not in as much touch with simply because I find using Facebook uncomfortable. By the time I find a way to feel okay on it, it will be replaced by something else, surely.

I think the decline of web forums and personal web spaces is a bigger deal than any notion of activity or decline in this specific board, it's just a falling tide lowering all boats to me.

Lyric is not work or family safe.

The General board is already in a category called community... How about a category called music with boards about genres, theory, and its own miscellaneous board?


(57 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Please rename the Graveyard "Weekend Threads."