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Search options (Page 40 of 86) / Forums / Posts by chunter
Topics by chunter
Posts found: 625-640 of 1,370
Matej wrote:Who is Skrillex?
On defiant's note, it's okay to do a little reinventing of the wheel while you learn, and experiment and make a few mistakes here and there. You may come up with a new style based on something that was formerly dismissed as "noise" or otherwise as undesirable.
It's hard to refute that, but I also agree with ElHuesudo's notion, I guess people need to find more original ways to get attention.
Triple post, all the way across the sky.
How is Pokemon music different from Mario, Zelda, RPG, and MegaMan music? They're not, they all have the same descriptive power and possibly misleading baggage.
CasshernTheGuy wrote:I don't bother posting music up here, mainly because I don't feel a need to do so. I've played in bands professionally, toured, and the like, and I would definitely be the first person to say that a song is never necessarily complete.
You're not the first to say that at all, it was a mantra when I was in college.
The thing about requesting cc is that when you're exercising your writing and such, it's something that ought to be done with about six to eight colleagues who understand the style you are aiming for. Blindly showing a track to strangers who may not know what you're after and then asking for advice won't work well, maybe the best goal when visiting the cc board should be to get in touch with people who understand your genre the best.
herr_prof wrote: Don't post on the weekend
I read the Smashboy thread and understood.
The positive thing in Smashboy's thread is that the pattern to closing it wasn't the same, and that about two thirds of the users in the thread are still with us, so to speak.
This thread is actually positive too, but I don't really get a feeling that things are going to improve much.
I defuse angry people as part of my living, so sometimes it's hard to let something be. I'm content with most of what I've had to say.
Just remember that ostracism cuts both ways. If you figure, "that guy never did anything for me, I don't need him in my life," that guy may easily think the same of you; you'll never know what might have been if you stayed in touch.
Moderator wrote: An answer.
The Peanut Gallery wrote: Mountains of noise.
Someone wrote:A legit follow-up question.
The Peanut Gallery wrote: More noise.
lazerbeat wrote: Closing thread to control the noise level.
The conspiracy theory says that someone still has a question, but the peanut gallery ruined the thread on purpose to thought-police the topic.
I hope this is wrong.
I thought that said 50 post limit at first!
I think this idea was suggested already but not implemented; I think it will lead to necro threads.
That map implies a facebook presence, so of course it's not complete or perfect, but well done. I think part of the OP's question is about the ratio of consumers to producers so to speak, does anyone know some recent attendance figures?
I wouldn't mind knowing the answer to this just to know, but if you really want to know, you'd need to look at the results of "sales" and "attendance" threads, which we've had a few, and maybe ask today's events and labels for current figures.
Necro with Vim classic
DS-10's saves will also port to and from DS-10+, the main advantage is that it is like running two instances at once, and I think there are some mixer tricks it lets you do.
Bow your head slightly to signal that you've stopped playing. The awkward silence should then be replaced with applause.
Posts found: 625-640 of 1,370 / Forums / Posts by chunter