Lazerbeat wrote:
chunter wrote:

The twin problems that blip created are that they gave the illusion of being the highest possible goal and that they made it seem so easy to do.

No disrespect but the first isn't really a problem? Maybe blip was or wasnt the ultimate goal, but blip seems to be over so people have new goals if they want like, be the best musician they can be or learn that new chip or put on their own festival.

Put that way I agree completely, as the latter was my intended point. You don't need a scene to make this stuff and you don't need a reason to show what you make to a friend or throw a house party or whatever.

I endorse O2's goal but I'm stuck for answers- the electronic music festivals I'm familiar with play bro step and McTrance so more power to the person who can break that.

I disagree about Elwood but it would make my day to get to talk with him. The twin problems that blip created are that they gave the illusion of being the highest possible goal and that they made it seem so easy to do (even as much as we know it wasn't) so the challenge is to recognize that what we have is as centralized as it should be.

I've been negative about the reduction in experimentation that I personally perceive (because I keep finding reference to this newly focused stuff in my timelines) but it's actually a good thing because it means that certain parts of the music have matured. Genre focus also helps people to recognize what they don't like in order to avoid it, whatever that's worth.

I think what was meant is, since scales are based on a series of preexisting intervals, they are discovered, not invented, in a sense. I interpret the grime tone in *step music as a single long tone with pitch bends, there is more rhythm and phrasing than pitch.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Possible? Yes. Good? Maybe.

I used NTRQ in that manner but got frustrated by not bring able to use dpcm (because of that particular NES emulator.) I got bored with the process before trying with LSDJ.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bump because entries are now being accepted (through 10/31 JST.) Beware the time zone, it catches people out every year.

Sorry about the bump.

Now following, nice work.

There is no need to be ashamed of your age, and no need to disclose it either. It is difficult to guess if this would have been lost in the era of Radix, Reed, and Elwood, but I'm glad you found time to polish and release now, and I hope you have more where it came from.

Topic covered already: … dd-a-drop/


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Uploading is fixed?

It depends on the song, of course

stancoolness wrote:

Interesting... I don't think I've ever actually heard anything by ant1! Thanks for listening, though. smile

Have a quick listen:

Fearless childlike experimentation, and pieces that stop the instant they say what they have to say.


(16 replies, posted in Sega)

I have one with the maze game and one with hang on, that's how I tell them apart.


(10 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Compression and eq can be part of mixing too, but the observation that it is about making the instruments play nice with each other is correct. Having more channels to mix is not "better" or "worse," it's a different level of power. I know it can be confusing, but like many things in art there odd plenty to talk about but no right or wrong answers (and plenty of opinions. wink )

Almost, you can hear a sense of exploration in ant1's music that is only scarcely in this. I won't be able to tell if this is trying to be like ant1 until after a few more releases.

If you don't understand what I mean, first consider that ant1 uses a lot of trackers.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

IME- conventional airplay doesn't pay that well either, but also....

When content providers in any field want something from Congress, they exaggerate to get their way, and are often seeking a competitive advantage.

I could've hit this if it was last weekend...