(9 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

If the modification doesn't relate to chipmusic, everything I've ever wanted to know about guitar electronics is available in a google search...

If you want to wire it as a normal strat you can get a wired pickguard from http://guitarfetish.com

Otherwise, please be a bit more specific about what you're working with and trying to do.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Durahan wrote:
rasta_dan wrote:

same reason i play the mandolin- to be different to the rest of this shit county...

someone's mad at their parents.

Looking for his answer to "how's your local scene" thread...

I should add, if it wasn't for S3M2NSF I wouldn't be here. Before sharing tracker music I was in a period where I didn't make much music at all.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

plenty of people do way more than just playing back lsdj tracks, so this statement is pretty silly

You aren't who I'm talking about.

I have my moments of debt/income envy, I should clock in and do a little something about that...

Edit: voluntarily partially removed insensitive remark

Why not? At face value the question sounds silly.

The inspirations are nostalgia (HVSC and module collections,) transient, and the group tree wave. I'd be fooling myself if I didn't say cost effectiveness is part of the draw too, though i've noticed that casual listeners are put off when I say "my gear is inexpensive" so I'm trying to avoid that now. It still confuses me when someone says they use thousands of dollars of gear to plug in a game boy and push the start key, so I avoid the gear thread...


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TFA wrote:

November 20, 2005


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

an0va wrote:

a jazz tuba solo is one of the funniest pictures i can imagine right now for some reason

Tuba was once a very common jazz instrument, as was banjo. The business is at 5:25.

See of you can find Opcode Vision; it's what Live reminded me of when it came out.



(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

i don't think this is an interesting thread at all

what do you get out of knowing whether people you kind of know from a forum are able to read music or not

Since OP didn't want debate I considered simply posting my answer as "yes."


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kris k wrote:

I can, but I haven't written or read from traditional notation in a few years now. I should probably give it a shot again though.

It's not something you forget. Sight reading can get weaker but that's about it.

Sounds like you want to be environmental sound collapse. Try using less effects, or effects that don't mask that the source is a chip so much. Good luck.

ant1 wrote:

i have a nother tip:  if it is the first song you have ever made, maybe you don't really need to record it

I think you should record as often as you can for the practice of knowing how to record when you finally have something you want to share with everyone. It starts when you arm the track and press record.

You don't have to share all your recordings with the world, and in principle you shouldn't... but ultimately you're going to do what you want anyway.

Good luck, OP.


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

4mat wrote:

spraypaint + lanyards + etsy store

But the sentiment is appreciated.

They weren't sold outside the US much... I'm surprised you know about them. In college I replaced mine with a higher speed 286 iirc. Slimmer case, more memory, less latency when running Master Tracks.


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

I just moved about 50 cassettes out of my brother's place but I don't have a deck to play them on... sad

ant1 wrote:

i thought "pressing Esc and being able to enter commands" meant you were able to get to DOS?

i think this model has DOS built into it (in rom??) so you shouldn't need a disk with anything but trackers/samples but i don't know how you can bypass deskmate startup. a pdf of the tl3 user manual (tl3user.zip) is available ...

Thanks for the memory jog. The built-in DOS was a Tandy hacked version of DOS 2 or 3 depending on the model, but you can boot anything that boots on a 286 pc. Try typing "version." There was also a GWBASIC for it with a hacked PLAY command for three voice.

ant1 wrote:

having the speech thing would maybe open up the trackers you could use and give you more compatability but not having EGA/VGA still limits the trackers you can use a lot (maybe screamtracker 2 works with CGA and covox, but it realllllly sucks) (it possible to add a VGA card to a tandy computer I BELIEVE)

Not just possible, when I was given mine it already had a VGA card in it. Tandy 1000 series had a proprietary 16 color which was neither EGA nor CGA, though many games supported it. I put an SB pro in it so I didn't use its built-in sound very much.

an0va wrote:

Hm, that's the thing. I'm trying to bypass DeskMate on startup, but it gets disc read errors 99% of the time I put in the startup disc with the option to change that. Wonder if the disc drive is damaged.

There's an eeprom in those things that would make it load a deskmate skeleton if there is no bootable floppy or hdd installed. I think all you need is a bootable disk.

I'll see if my brother's memory is better than mine, the answer may be a "hold delete key while booting" option... All I remember is that I turned it off and had a very complex DOS 5 boot menu.

Edit: if I find out my brother still has the setup disk you refer to I'll make a zip file of it. (He and our dad were RS employees when we were teens.)