ChipsChallengeBand wrote:

I did what I could and then translated them back into English for comparison with the original phrase, after looking over Silph Scope's work.

2% 人間の意味は間違う (lit. "the meaning of humans is to be mistaken/to make mistakes)
another way to say it might be... 2% 間違うのは人間みたい (lit. "it's like a human to make mistakes/be mistaken")
OR you might say it like this... 2% 人間方は間違う (lit. "the way of humans is to be mistaken/make mistakes")

It's easy to think of multiple ways to say it when you don't actually have to "say" it but they should all give the same idea... this one was the hardest one IMO because there are tons of ways to translate it

10% 取られる事を取る (lit. "take the things you are able to take")

Silph Scope, I took a look at your other ones... I think this one should be:

33% 彼女の中の獣(lit. "the beast inside her")

and I finished this one for you:

11% キュリオシティとアドベンチャー  - この世界の小さいと大きい驚異を探る (lit. Curiosity and Adventure - to explore the small and big wonders of this world)

Well done, I was going to suggest なにを取れるは取るできます。 for take what you can take...

Is the other phrase supposed to be the axiom of to err is human?

picnicfile wins the loudness war forever.

Also really like muggle morf (which has interesting subtle changes as it plays,) and arran (for just having a nice feel.)


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Someone more knowledgeable please comment, the beginnings of notes sometimes have a thump or click that should pick up on your lows knob. It is not a heard sound as much as something you feel and see in a spectrum analyzer, you will notice if it's gone.

Also, underclock for actual low notes.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I thought it is applause day.

gyms wrote:

Ultimately, your sense of melody comes from your own musical tastes, so if you somehow find yourself creating straight up vanillacore-diatonic melodies then maybe you should look in to expanding the types of music you expose yourself to(but seriously tho, I don't think it's even a natural thing for anyone to process strict diatonic melodies ALL THE TIME unless they're really thinking too hard).

Don't use Microsoft Songsmith to write harmonies. wink

I agree with this statement quite a bit, as most blues and country types won't change keys besides gear shifts, so it's about what you listen to, your musical culture.

SketchMan3 wrote:

I know that she didn't invent those, but those are pretty much all she uses, and she was the one who caused me to discover the prominence of those two progressions, so that's what I call it.

For those who are ready;

No matter how complex your notes, there are only four functions in harmony: tonic, dominant, subdominant, and transitional. Regardless of how you make your notes or how consonant they sound, your song will still follow those for functions, even if you define a tritone stack or flat ninth as "tonic." Once you understand this, there are no rules.

It is also permissible to drive tension by a means other than harmony, such as rhythm, lyric rhyme, or outright storytelling. Just something to think about.

I had a teacher who said the root word in reharmonize is "harm." I think he was the same one who said the root word in analyze is "anal."

Another thing to try: hold one note and see how many chords you can spell around it whether you seem to change the key or not.

If OP understands harmonic theory words, please name a song and maybe we can help analyze.

Very true about emotional output; using theory as formula is easy to detect, isn't it?

You can get that level of harmony skill with experimentation and practice or you can take two years' of classes on it. The information on how it is or was done is out there if you want to know.

Some starting suggestions are to play with so-called pivot chords, borrow from relative minor, explore the circle of fifths, make "truck driver great shift" key changes, make key changes that match a common chord progression.... Take the ones you understood and try to make examples yourself, see what they sound like, guess where you heard those sounds before...


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It doesn't even have to be live if you string a bunch of PVs and make episodes with regularity.

Live is a plus, though.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's true, but with practice you can get a tracker to make sounds you can't make as easily in a synth. Think about things that would require envelopes with more than four points, for example.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Use volume commands/envelopes, if you double notes with detuned pitches and mess with pulse widths while the notes play you'll get more life to the sound. Practice on a virtual synth if you don't want to try a tracker yet.


(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

+1 on both soundcloud and bandcamp.

I decided to have a look at the Graveyard because I was curious to see how many of those threads are really and truly off topic, only to discover that our most recently closed threads haven't been put there (yet.)

So next, I went to General.

I looked for threads that prove an OT board would solve the problem (if I'm understanding) that junky threads keep getting bumped, so I categorized the closed threads from the first three pages.

Topic was resolved, but people got way silly:
"Someone please inform me, what is brk"
"What do you kids do liver"
"Chiptune is dead"
"New to this website"

Topic was open-ended but drifted:
"Is it worth spending time on a song"

Actual troll thread by poster who is probably suspended or banned:
"Blip Memorial thread"
"Melody driven chip" (the Lazare thread)

Closed for being a duplicate thread on the wrong board:
"File not found"

That was the first three pages of General Discussion. I'm sure you can all investigate the others if you want (and I may later since I really wanted "how do I drop the bass" to end up in the sort,) but it's enough data to make a mini-point. 5 out of 8 closed threads were closed because people kept bumping them with silliness. If I did the counting and math right, 73 out of 81 of those threads are still open, the sticky ones aren't counted.

If you participated in the silliness in those threads, why? Would an OT board really the thread from getting out of hand? My personal answer is, I don't know.

If you are a person who legitimately asked the question, "How do I make a drop in LSDJ?" and you saw an OT thread start up making fun of the guy who had the audacity to ask how to drop the bass, how would you feel? When I think about it that way I'm a bit embarrassed at some of my own thoughts about the thread, as ridiculous and basic as I though the topic was at the time.

Like the road to Hell, I have good intentions. Do what you want with that info, I'm sure stuff will happen.

Edit with content: This is still the only board I visit that doesn't have an OT board.


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Half the respected elders on this thread where annoying noobs on in 2008, so sure.

Exactly my point. I don't have anything against Nuclace, maybe the requested behavior is to stop bumping bad threads.

Returning to lazerbeat's feature request, what if threads had a checkbox at the top where if you uncheck it won't bump in your "recent" page anymore?