Nothing new about it but Tree Wave


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nordloef wrote:

Can Skrillex be the new Beck?

No, though the image of Skrillex as a homeless busker is... interesting.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jay Tholen wrote:

That said, I think the techniques/hardware used to produce it are also important. Though I don't think they have much to do with making dough. Pushing that kind of stuff will confuse your average musically-ignorant person looking for tunes on the ole internet.

Not talking about technique doesn't mean out isn't important, out just means you're not revealing them, and that's okay. Sometimes people want to know how you do things and sometimes they don't.

As for MTV, should they be playing chipmusic during Jersey Shore or 16 and Pregnant?


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

That being said, I would totally run a gameboy modding service if I had the time to self promote another business venture for myself.

I know a few words for investments that don't make money. I mean that as a show of respect for people who do that sort of thing anyway.

I have spoken with people who, upon finding out that my tools are inexpensive, seem disappointed as if I'm not artistic enough. I find the notion mutually disappointing.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

danimal cannon wrote:
4mat wrote:

* don't publicise your work only in the chip community..

* remember, nobody gives a damn what you wrote it on if they like it. (and don't go on about what hardware you use, using X to make Y stopped being a novelty years ago and stops the music being the focus.

These are in direct competition.  I still play for people all the time who find the Chiptune creation process to be 'novel' (or novelty). I still find joy in telling other people about my music process and WHY I do it.  I guess I don't have a problem with it because I'm not afraid of my music standing on its own, explaining the process only enhances it, if the person cares to know.

I am thankful that this issue was raised, because I wanted to ask about out but wasn't sure how. I find slight similarity in the speech Synth (Vocaloid) community where the shock value of the artificial lead singer (omg miku!!) and the merchandise that goes with it gets more attention than the songwriters and producers. I find using the imagery associated with the Vocaloid characters gets you automatic views and listens but rarely translates into record sales. Chipmusic has it a little easier on this regard, but not by much...


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

4mat wrote:

* remember, nobody gives a damn what you wrote it on if they like it. (and don't go on about what hardware you use, using X to make Y stopped being a novelty years ago and stops the music being the focus)

That's how you get stuck with music only other musicians like to hear...

4mat wrote:

edit: and this is in no way dismissing the chipmusic community, before people start flaming.

That's what titles like "chipmusic is dead" are for. Seriously, though, lack of desire to reach outside the norm is what causes stagnation. Consider this of you dislike the stuff in the "best of 2012" thread.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Too soon... But at least I'm not hopeless-busy this time...

mysterystain wrote:

It really doesn't relate to the album at all. Some artist Pink Floyd knew just showed them a bunch of pictures to choose for their new album and they just chose the pretty one with the rainbow on it.

The graphics in albums like that are deliberate, for example, the rainbow on Dark side of the Moon goes all the way around the jacket on purpose, but there are lots of people involved, nearly hundreds at times, to make things like that.

I appreciate the feel of the physical goods, but having once owned over 1000 records, cassettes, and CDs, I'm thankful for digital and I realize I don't sit and listen often enough to look back. Tl;dr- the shit takes up too much space.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

$20 DMG + $20 materials + $100 soldering iron that doesn't suck + $200 workbench with less of space + rent + food = these guys don't make much either


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Solarbear wrote:
chunter wrote:

Truth is if you want to approach quit/sabbatical from work territory you have to gig outside the chipmusic world and sell merchandise and have sync rights and all...

You don't want to approach that territory.

That's right, I don't, but to be fair there are people who make releases and are active in freelance BGM/VGM work. I expect they're too busy with projects to read the forum, let alone answer a thread like this so I'll just emphasize, they work hard. Anything worth having in life is far from guaranteed and not easy or quick to achieve. That's all I can say without being a hypocrite or patronizing.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think there was an earlier thread that shared sales figures... Truth is if you want to approach quit/sabbatical from work territory you have to gig outside the chipmusic world and sell merchandise and have sync rights and all...

Speaking only for myself, I don't have that much of an eye for marketing, that is, I don't have the skill to persuade somebody buy something they don't already want.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

none Nothing NONE

I thought you had all your downloads set on "free."

I think the global scope of forums like this and the size of events like blip create the illusion that this "scene" is bigger than it really is, it catches newcomers off guard all the time.


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For all the junk I've read that you're supposed to over hype your release prior to releasing it, are we supposed to file that under "other" or is hype simply not welcome here at all?


(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I think what isn't wanted are brand new websites for each region.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Caveat: it will expose scenes that become quiet. I won't name cities so the folks in Jacksonville and Miami needn't worry.