if it's going to be best i'd save up for sure, i mean i'd be using it tonnes. thanks for all the help analog smile <333

Analog wrote:


the cheapest you can get.

damn cheap! thanks.. do you know if it's shit or not?

kineticturtle wrote:

What, plugged in direct, or through an amp?

i guess probably through an amp... although i don't see how that would matter.

Hello br0s

Soooo i've never been interested in recording, i normally recorded with line in and that was that.. but now i need something to use to record guitar and it would be nice to have a nicer input.. If anyone could recommend anything or point me in the right direction that would be great smile

thanks in advance smile


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nickmaynard wrote:
Reteris wrote:

Why didn't you just message him? We are not Sabrepulse journalists.

i actually am.

then you'll know the answer..


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)



(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think the other half of Mario Daterape Squadron lives there... but i'm not sure. also BUS STUCK.... WALES?!?!?!


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

maybe we should all be Michael Buble

i had it on my cart but it gets stuck at 53% while checking for artifacts, i'm at college now so can't do anything about it right now but when i get home i'm going to have a tinker about sad

oh wow! it plays .sap and .ay too! hell yeah!


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

infradead wrote:
an-cat-max wrote:

a few loving duck relationships

p.s spot the odd one out!

the geese?

those aren't geese just white ducks...

i found something called Moonshell All In One "MAIO" for acekard 2i, going to try this smile



(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

a few loving duck relationships

p.s spot the odd one out!

low-gain wrote:

why not convert to MP3 and just playback that way on a ds?
i mean what's the difference?

it's really not the same as being able to just drag the NSF onto the cart... i'd need to convert every NES OST aswell as my personal collection of chip artists NSFs too, it's really not possible for me to convert every one.

i know some of you dudes probably do this, i tried using DSOrganize but i get no sound...




(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

very good! smile very helpful.