Sauerbraten is good big_smile

Recently i've been into disc golf, its fun relaxing and an escape from my laptop xD


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

an0va wrote:

Buy a cart. smile


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Im not sure, but it just takes a google.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hope im obligated to tell you...


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

There are...


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

My n64 controller i tore apart: (So sad i no longer have it this way sad )

My gameboy:

Tight release!

Rico Z wrote:

'Deep Reflections in a Shamsnuggie' - best album title ever! big_smile

Finally! Someone recognizes it! Too bad Cooshinator came up with it, not me, when he saw that photo of me on my laptop...

Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and support big_smile

Here is a mock up pic that Cooshinator made:

And guys, from what i feel, we will try to be more professional when we have more to offer. As of now, running a label is new and im still not used to having this much responsibility on things. I hope you all understand! smile

Oh yeah, and sorry guys. We are dealing with messaging people now. smile

SketchMan3 wrote:

I think it'd be even cooler if you could use the GBC's infra-red port to zap songs to your laptop.

Holy crapface that'd be awesome!

Thanks DaPantz, working on the site now wink

Sycamore Drive wrote:

A play button next to each release to preview a track would be a good idea.

If you hit MORE, its already there dude. wink

Dude this is tight, you got a label set up? If not, I'm from and im interested. smile


(87 replies, posted in Releases)