Medina, Ohio

On May 11th, me and my friend Cooshinator released on our new chipmusic netlabel entitled dmgcontrol, and now we are looking for albums, and ep's and such from others to release on it. The URL is

A second note:
We also want to host one webshow a month of about 5 or more artists, so if you would like to participate in that, that'd be nice too smile

Feel free to reply here, contact us at [email protected], pm us (dsv101 and/or cooshinator), or hit us up at

Thanks guys, it's a pleasure making chiptunes smile

Last edited by dsv101 (May 28, 2012 11:18 pm)

Manchester, England

Have a look about for some links, some information, somewhere to put your feet up.
Get back to us if you're interested in putting us in one of those, as you call it, "webshows" (ingenious by the way)


Riverside, CA

What sort of genre(s) do you plan on releasing?

Savannah, Georgia

wazaaaaaaaap. just released this today, give it a look -

PM me if you're interested in having my releases under your label.

EDIT: i'd also be interested in the webshows if i'm not tied up on the date they happen. not like i can actually go out and play a live show with age and location restrictions, heh.

Last edited by Aeros (May 29, 2012 3:47 am)


We are requesting viewer's to give constructive criticism and recommendations for the site.

The design is Okay, about the logo, well it could have been better.
What i'm missing are the releases. Yeah, i know i "could" click on releases to see them, put when i'm looking at a netlabel i want to open the site and see them, like in a sidebar (and you got some unused space), right away.
Isn't a Netlabel about the released Music? So use the space you have, but don't clutter it.

But anyway, i'm about to dropping a new EP in a fresh Chiptune Style and be happy to show it your label as soon i finished it.

Savannah, Georgia
9-Heart wrote:

What i'm missing are the releases. Yeah, i know i "could" click on releases to see them, put when i'm looking at a netlabel i want to open the site and see them, like in a sidebar (and you got some unused space), right away.
Isn't a Netlabel about the released Music? So use the space you have, but don't clutter it.

he's got a VERY strong point there - perhaps add a sidebar like 8bp does, i don't know.

personally i think the logo looks boss, though.

Last edited by Aeros (May 29, 2012 3:36 am)

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

I'll be releasing an album/ep on the 19th. I could release it under you, but I don't want to be exclusive. It'd fill out your release section a little though. wink

my soundcloud

Medina, Ohio

Ill review submitted content when i get home from school. About the design, maybe i can make it load to the releases page by default and change the page entitled home to news?


am i the only grumpy cunt that is thinking 'oh great, another chiptune netlabel' ?
i mean there are shitloads already. most start with enthusiasm and then amount to nothing. i think you really need to be a label with a focus to look legit. Maybe its just me but labels that have no quality control or no sort of theme or collective aspect to them just seem kinda ponitless
its just a bunch of random stuff on a website. make the first release awesome. dont feel oblidged to release everything you recieve because you dont want to dissapoint people. the first few release will really set the bar. like if i check a net label and its first 3 releases are all shit or not particularly memorable then that netlabels name just vanishes from my memory.
anyway i dont want to piss on your cornflakes before you get started. take my gripes as healthy motivation, im not meaning to sound like a total arsehole. but i probably do haha

Medina, Ohio

I believe we are wanting to go for a dancing theme, similar to Cooshinator TREYFREY and Electric Children. Maybe some more thrashy stuff too like my release on the label. And about content filtering, we will reject content we dont like or dont believe fits the label. Thanks for your concerns downstate smile

Downstate wrote:

am i the only grumpy cunt that is thinking 'oh great, another chiptune netlabel' ?
i mean there are shitloads already. most start with enthusiasm and then amount to nothing. i think you really need to be a label with a focus to look legit. Maybe its just me but labels that have no quality control or no sort of theme or collective aspect to them just seem kinda ponitless
its just a bunch of random stuff on a website. make the first release awesome. dont feel oblidged to release everything you recieve because you dont want to dissapoint people. the first few release will really set the bar. like if i check a net label and its first 3 releases are all shit or not particularly memorable then that netlabels name just vanishes from my memory.

These are words of wisdom - quality control is a real issue for 95% of netlabels. Whether it's because the people running them can't tell awful music from good music or they just have no pride whatsoever I don't know. Also, you will have to put hard work into presentation, actively seeking people to do nice artwork etc. Imagine you are trying to make money out of your releases - you wouldn't risk wasting $1000 on a vinyl release with bad artwork and crappy music, so why should anyone be bothered to download bad quality mp3s?

Take the most obvious example, 8bitpeoples. They have developed a clear aim (keep the ''fakebit'' to a minimum, focus mainly on US 8-bit with some European/Japanese stuff and FM/etc...), their art is fairly consistent (same resolution/often the same artists), the presentation of their website is professional and everything they release today is made with love and care.

However, while this might be a bit intimidating there is something to be said for doing something for the pure DIY rush of it. Also, great netlabels don't happen overnight - call me a heretic, but there is some utter garbage in the early 8bitpeoples catalogue...

ohio gozaimasu
Downstate wrote:

am i the only grumpy cunt that is thinking 'oh great, another chiptune netlabel' ?
i mean there are shitloads already. most start with enthusiasm and then amount to nothing. i think you really need to be a label with a focus to look legit. Maybe its just me but labels that have no quality control or no sort of theme or collective aspect to them just seem kinda ponitless
its just a bunch of random stuff on a website. make the first release awesome. dont feel oblidged to release everything you recieve because you dont want to dissapoint people. the first few release will really set the bar. like if i check a net label and its first 3 releases are all shit or not particularly memorable then that netlabels name just vanishes from my memory.
anyway i dont want to piss on your cornflakes before you get started. take my gripes as healthy motivation, im not meaning to sound like a total arsehole. but i probably do haha

Thanks for the comment! You bring up quite a few good points. Having already denied the only submission we've gotten (before this thread), I can assure you that quality control is a definite focus point for this netlabel. We have a strong idea of what style we want and plan to stick to it. Take note that it is not at all easy to start out with strong direction and quality; most artists aren't all ready to throw their hard work into a new and very sparsely known label like ours.

The Silph Scope wrote:

What sort of genre(s) do you plan on releasing?

Good question. To be more specific/realistic than dsv101, I personally would love to see some solid lsdj dance probably from lesser known artists that still retain a consistent quality (of course it doesn't specifically have to be lsdj or any sort of uncefest). I can't think of any examples as of now, so just whatever you think of when you hear "lsdj dance". I haven't really seen a netlabel as of yet pull of that sort of style and maintain a consistent quality.

orange county, CA

This is the type of netlabel i'd love to be on. Dance stuff. I sent a submission to the email posted.

Medina, Ohio

Thanks, we will review it proudly smile

Tulsa, OK

intrest level: 10 smile

Tulsa, OK … arty-track