breakphase wrote:

It may not be ideal, but Fat is at least a start for a new gba tracker. Just need to translate the comments from French. =p.

And move a lot of running code out of header files big_smile

TylerBarnes wrote:

Big difference I didn't make a big announcement and start releasing alphas and get all horny on the hype and praise. I believe that receiving praise for something before it's finished is the best way to kill enthusiasm for finishing it.

For the record, I totally agree with that, but I don't believe it makes any difference what you told anyone else as long as you never made any commitments. As you wrote before, m4g was clear about never having finished a project.

TylerBarnes wrote:

I don't really understand the defense, but I do understand why things are the way they are and why my 'oh I wish' fantasies aren't the norm. Just expressing my opinion in what I thought was an uncontroversial form. But I guess people get sensitive over many things these days, I should have known better then to put my personal feelings into what I type. *puts back on my 'I am happy and so should you be' mask*

If you express an opinion on a discussion forum you should prepare for the fact that people might disagree with you, and in expressing that disagreement they aren't very different from yourself venting your thoughts. There's no need to go passive-aggressive and play it off like people are being particularly sensitive or anything; it's just normal course of discussion, and no one here seems to be trying to stop you from saying what you think.

He has no contract with you, and unreleased code can be sensitive in many ways. Releasing source you've worked on for a couple of years that you never intended for anyone to see is a lot like inviting a bunch of strangers to clean your room. But hey, you might have a bunch of unfinished songs laying around. Do the responsible thing and release them for someone else to finish them.


(14 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Great tool!

I tried it with OSX. Since OSX is missing aplay and the likes I used speakerpipe for playback:

cat example.txt | ./ | speakerpipe -b -r8000 -c1 -u

(aplay defaults to 1 unsigned 8-bit channel at 8000 kHz while speakerpipe will default to 2 signed 16-bit channels at 44.1 kHz)

hey guys long time no see did chipmusic die when i left?

I think coming here to talk about modifications seems reasonable. After all, it seems a lot of musicians here are using them for various purposes, and it's an important aspect in either music production or the image of a musician.

There could be a separate sub-forum for that kind of discussion, though, since the only mods I'm personally interested in are the ones you can open in a tracker.


(148 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You have to dress for success; a carreer opportunity won't wait for you to get into respectable clothing. I propose this style of clothing:


(7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Well, they're SANWA arcade buttons, so short of a total firmware fail, if you like buttons like that, it won't go wrong! Those buttons take a punch and if they should break, you could easily replace them with new ones.

Totally makes more sense to me than buying a controller with similar functionality using buttons you can't get off the shelf, but you might be missing things like LED indicators and velocity sensitivity.


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

rygD wrote:
boomlinde wrote:

humane landmines.

Is there such a thing?  The idea does interest me, as I have been in areas littered with mines decades after they were placed.  Can you give any details that might explain how these would be humane?

You can disarm or detonate them over encrypted packet radio based on a group ID. Also, we make damn sure they'll kill you instantly if you step on them.

Nah, I'm just kidding, I don't make land mines.

Here are some people getting the same errors. Possibly for other reasons, though. … 003-a.html … brary.html


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)



(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I work with a defense contractor developing contact triggers for humane landmines.

A video player? Research? You are not very specific in describing what you intend to create. I would search for VJ software anywhere on the web or in this subforum and get accustomed to something that seems nice. I think ui made a nice list of 8-bittish VJ software, it should be somewhere here.


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

rainwarrior wrote:

Literally grammar hitler?

You are literally misusing the word "grammar".

EDIT: ... in addition to literally misusing the word "literally"


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:
boomlinde wrote:

I collect money from patent violators on behalf of owners of vague patents.

Literally patent hitler.

You are literally misusing the word "Literally".


(23 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

4mat wrote:

you'll be wanting the magic amiga doc

Great! I thought the Paula output was resistor ladders for sure.