(82 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice list!

Jredd wrote:

It might be more of an issue if that app wasn't completely free to download. However, technically (and I could be wrong here) isn't this app free, and therefore making no profit?

Whatever their intentions were (and I'll remind you that as a publicly shared corporation, they have a legal obligation to maximize profit), copyright law AFAIK does not distinguish between derivatives that are free and derivatives that are making profit. In a very limited scope I can see how you think that this app isn't making any profit, much like you aren't directly paying to see advertisement posters or TV commercials.

Jredd wrote:

Also as someone else pointed out, how else would you expect a Disney Pixel app to sound if you wanted it to sound happy and be "popular with kids today"?

Dunno, maybe not like an awful ripoff of a song I've already heard.

Still, this can be used to further Anamanaguchi's popularity.

Yes, but there isn't a single reference to Anamanaguchi (?), and the ripoff is utterly awful. Can't say that I'm much of a fan of Anamanaguchi to begin with (no offense) but at least the original song doesn't make me want to jump off a bridge.

Think about it. "We are so well known that even Disney wants to sound like us, here's the proof."

Yeah, "Hey, this awful song was by us originally! TRUST US!!!" 200 twitter followers agree, the rest of the world couldn't care less.

That's a pretty big name to throw around. Even so, as others have pointed out if they can prove a point and get Disney to settle? These guys might be set for life. Just sayin'. If we look at the bigger picture here, there is a chance this could unintentionally be the best thing to happen to them.

If you disagree that a legal settlement isn't the best way to handle this kind of obvious rip-off, I really don't know what to say. The only reason anything good can ever come out of it is that the legal system is already quite fucked up when it comes to copyright. Most likely nothing good will come out of it, because these issues usually amount to what kind of money you can pay for legal protection.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I definitely think that there are valid reasons to ask for constructive criticism, but yeah,

For attention and validation I reckon.

Seems like most people asking for CC just post whatever the cat brought home to have people pat them on the back.

It wouldn't be helpful to get CC like "It's good", or "it's bad".

In what sense are those even constructive?


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's a well-rounded, all-encompassing list of musical genres.


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

It's great!


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I wonder how it performs for chip music specifically. Square waves is a pretty special case that mp3 simply doesn't handle very well.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fair enough, but dismissing any opinion different from yours as "dumb" without further investigation might come across as the exact opposite of taking them seriously.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

I take the viewpoints of others very seriously

Decktonic wrote:

any other answer is dumb

I don't know what to make of this.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

snesei wrote:

I didn't say there was just one way, in a technological point of view some artists kind of are pushing the limit of the gameboy (the noticable lag on a DMG from so many tables running at once forcing to use the gameboy color).

Artists might be pushing the technical limits of LSDJ, but as far as I understand that wasn't really designed with speed with priority over the interface and the flexibility of the commands. In some sense I agree that this is still "pushing a system" but it's not the game boy or its sound hardware that is the bottleneck in this case.

snesei wrote:

My statements were kind of wrong from a musical standpoint though your right. The simplest melodies and rhythms can make for a good song but you can only do so much with thank kind of sound and make it your own.

With "can only do so much" I think you might be drifting into a technological point of view again, or maybe I just misunderstand you.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

you must hate me now.

No, but I'd prefer if you addressed my points constructively, because I don't really understand your standpoint.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

snesei wrote:

All I am saying is that you can push an 80's video game system (based on the fact that people are using it for its limitations) so far until you hit a limit where everyone's music sounds the same.

You're arguing as if there's only a single way to "push a system." From a purely technological point of view, not a lot of artists are even close to "pushing" anything, and from a musical point of view your sentiment is just really laughable. It's not like "pushing" a system automatically makes you end up at dubstep or whatever type of music you had in mind. That's would be the fault of unoriginal or bad composers if anything.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:
boomlinde wrote:

How so?

because if someone asked you why you listened to some other genre of music, and you said anything other than "I like the way it sounds," I'm pretty sure they would consider it to just be a novelty.

and maybe someday chipmusic won't be a novelty any more.

That's a pretty weird and specific assumption to make, but disregarding that, what's it to you if other people consider it to be a novelty? Does that somehow make it a novelty?

If you for whatever reason think "the way it sounds" is the only valid criterion for music to be judged by, I think it's your opinion that is dumb. Do you apply similarly limited ideas to any art form or craft?


(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Yes please, my monitor is only 1024 pixels wide.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

because I like the way it sounds.

any other answer is dumb.

How so?

Don't do this without getting a cut of the profits. Looks like it might be a cool game.


(46 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'm not sure how using hexadecimal tables to make music is relevant to his ability to play this instrument, though. I think it looks kind of awkward still, but I'd like to see a video of a skilled player have a try on this.