DKSTR waaas theee wiiinnaaa fooor meeee. Heee haaas theee mooost fooonk.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm gay because I make music with a Game Boy.


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:
Kris k wrote:

The Pulsewave/8static version of open mic is 5 minutes per person, usually one song.
Generally it works if people are plugging in a game boy or something similarly portable, but occasionally it takes longer if people have more to set up.

Yeah you only get to play one song, and there's no feedback, though you can pretty much get enough feedback based on the expression on people's faces as you walk off the stage.

Open mics are awesome and I wish such things existed more in other live music events / venues. Oh well.

I hate open mics. They tend to go like this in my experience:

Man with acoustic guitar doing a James Blunt cover. Everyone loves him.
Man with long hair playing metal guitars solos over backing tapes. They are covers. Everyone loves him because he can do a nice guitar solo.
Pretty girl with acoustic guitar singing her own songs. Boring but at least she writes her own songs. Everyone loves her because she is pretty.
Me. With a Game Boy. Drunken idiot comes up and starts hasseling me going on about how I'm just playing Tetris. People look on confused in horror. Someone shouts "play Mario" and gets a round of laughs. Afterwards someone tells me that they stole one of Sabrepulse's LSDJ carts at a gig. He is clearly a prick.
A guy reading bad poetry. He is rhyming sky with high.The crowds reaction is more positive than it was for me.
Another man with an acoustic guitar. This one does an Oasis cover. Everyone loves him. Oh for fucks sake.

Doing them was funny for a bit, it felt like trolling IRL. But that got pretty annoying after a while and I can't be arsed anymore.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mulch organised a few nights a couple of years ago at the old fire station/police station place in bristol. i played one and was a fun night making bifts with some random who had lots of stolen rizzlas and playing rock band wth gwem and counter reset.

nickmaynard wrote:
Jellica wrote:

you can get MSSIAH on a cart, but you'll still need floppies to save.

can you save with the tape recorder?

silent requiem (whatever the fuck happened to him???) told me that he made his c64 album using either JCH or SDI on tape, so it might be possible?


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Totally get involved in your local electronica/weirdness/techno scene.

I've met some loverly open minded musical people and supported some excellent touring acts... duracell, felix kubin, future islands, max tundra, drum eyes and many others that i can't remember.

Pure chip gigs are still good though.. meeting up with people you dont see very often and that.

I guess we are pretty lucky in Cambridge though.

only if it is an animal charity


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i guess it isnt cool to share mp3s of his cds?

a few great trax here:

i love the solomon's key cover.

oh cool thanks!


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

have some more fawning

great selection, that fanta track is killer


(29 replies, posted in Collaborations)

while i'm at it this is a hilarious c64 dubstep remix of MJ by the same chap

Ultrasyd has some good electro house stuff. … 8-ultrasyd


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

I just play music until everyone leaves.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hey dude hope shits good.

i get this when the carts battery dies - it happened to me again recently - you may have lost all your songs if you havent backed up - but if you replace your battery you should be slapping it down wide in no time.

Good to finally learn some stuff about Zan-Zan-Zawa-Veia! Its funny how my brother and I hold the same views on chipmusic, yet make wildly different music to him.

oH NO I think I'm begginging to like prog rock as well.