no problem - by the way, i posted it to that website in hopes that it automatically shows up on artists' bandcamp sites as a tour date but it's so damn confusing to figure out what the hell is going on - hopefully it worked and everyone's bandcamp sites will soon have it as one of their upcoming shows. if not, you now have free promotion via a new website.

insert facepalm, epic lulz, etc etc here for my lack of understanding how this damn internet works.

If you have not gotten your facundo shirts yet, this will be a perfect time to pick one up - limited to Medium and Small only, VERY few left.

Cream in all Moustache will also be bringing a few shirts to sell so bring yo' wallets!


haha thanks jake.. seriously, my songs are fucking WEAK compared to the remixes. i fucking love h-pizzle's famitracker version of it.. but the sole fact that every single one of these tracks for being based off the same song, sound completely different - is a good sign.

i wish bandcamp would make feedback mandatory - i really would love to know what everyone thinks.

also, i know $5 seems like a lot to pay for my music, but i'm only doing this because i pretty much gave away over 150 copies of my EP's for free throughout tours, shows, and Blip 2009.  i need to make my money back somehow, and none of you guys are willing to pay what i'm asking for bj's

thanks ricardbr0 heart … nyl-planet

Fear of a Vinyl Planet is a collection of facundo's music previously only available in vinyl format. The first four songs are from the Future Anthems From the Past (DIF023) marble colored vinyl 7" which is still available for purchase. "neon" and "spacerun" were the B side to a split 7" released with VultureMoose (DIF024).

As an added bonus, there are various remixes of the song "robotluv" for your listening pleasure. Please download the full album so you can do it justice and play it through a real set of speakers.

Included with every download will be an "art pack" of everything included in the vinyl ep's as well as the art for the remix album.

All in all, 17 tracks with ome incredible effort put in by everyone involved.  Here's to hoping you guys can make me not regret choosing vinyl as the original format for this thing and help me make some of my funds back!


Future Anthems From the Past:
7" sleeve / insert art by Katia Pouleva

VultureMoose / facundo - split:
7" sleeve art by facundo + friends

Fear of a Vinyl Planet:
Artwork by Abby Resko
Music credits:
robotluv2.0 by facundo
Robotlove (BEARDBANGERREMIXXX) by Doomcloud
Robot Love (Infidelity Algorithim) by Natty
RobotLuv (shy mix) by prince_s
OhGawdRobotsLearningToBreatheInSpaceRouletteMix by Da Pantz
RobotLuv (Thick & Hard Remix) by Wet Mango
Robotluv Robopunk Remix by H-Pizzle
Zero Compassion For the Cold and Programmed by Nestrogen
Robotluv (fuzzy handcuffs remix) by BitALoop (aka SKGB)
RobotLuv Cover by The Robot Nothing
robotdub by facundo


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

for me, it's about convenience and control. i am able to create an entire song, album, project, etc all by myself with 4 AA batteries. i can do this while i'm at the bar, while i ride public transportation, at night after i jerk off (note: don't touch my gameboy, you may catch something), while i take a shit, at a diner, while smoking outside on a sunny day.. you get the idea.  there is no band mate to tell me when something should sound different etc.. some may see this as a stupid thing, considering the point of band mates is teamwork for progress, but I get to make the exact music I want to hear.

as far as the only limitation i see, it's our fanbase. it's limited to people that have similar tastes in our music (not chip music, but the specific artist's style). other than that, each specific piece of hardware has its own sounds. if you get tired of something, switch platforms, just like you would with anything else in life.  learn to progress once you think you've done everything you absolutely can do with said object.

who the fuck is catdog


(127 replies, posted in General Discussion)

who gives a shit if you get a stupid tattoo? just cut your fucking skin off if you don't like it a year from now.

DaPantz wrote:

*tries with all my might not to shill the label I am a part of*

Yes, follow that list!

fuck that shit.

they played the first "pulsewave" i ever went to.. before i think they started calling it pulsewave. i think it was them, aonami, bit shifter and nullsleep. sick show was sick.

fuck a california, your assholes are in new york (and new jersey)

also they have chimay on tap, which if you can afford is a worthwhile choice

$5 nachos and really strong $3 (am i remembering that right?) margaritas

downloading this now B-)

is there an official cryptosystem release out yet? in the works? anything?!

shirley temples on me!