
Aivi & Surasshu - The Black Box is some nice 'DAWbit' + piano. At least, I'm pretty sure the chiptune part was made in a DAW.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well now I have to choose between ant1's script and this script, which one is better?

Yeah, the bass is pretty lacking in these songs. Prosounding a GBC does help quite a bit, but iirc DMGs have the richest sound of all the gameboy models.

As for the music, it's sounding pretty good so far and I can't really find any really obvious improvements that could be made. Maybe change it up a little more in each song? I don't mind it that much, but I know others will find 2 minutes of basically the same melodies and sounds a little repetitive.

Other than that, the best advice I can offer for learning how to take advantage of tables and getting more interesting sounds is to just experiment and mess around with the commands and instrument settings until you find a sound that you like. Set an instrument to run a table, then start putting stuff in and see what it does, then put some more stuff in, take some out, repeat until you find something you like.

Oh and also, read the manual inside and out if you haven't already. There's lots of features that took me months to even find that were all written about in the manual.

Do you have a link to the songs? I think you might've forgotten to include it.

+1 for PolarBirds, his music is cool. NightRadio also does some cool stuff with SunVox, unless that falls into the modules category.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Whoa, that's cool. I really hope it's not fake.

Hm, might enter this so I can get better with PC trackers. Are we required to submit samples if we sign up?

In addition to the limitations, I like that in general the cost of doing chiptune is fairly low, so you get all these great artists who have talent but not necessarily the money to spend on good gear and such. A $300 guitar will probably never sound as good as a $10000 guitar, but a ten dollar Gameboy from the thrift store in good condition is just as good as any other Gameboy (for the most part).

Feel free to use anything from here:


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Love it! Not every day that you see dancy LSDJ tunes that have some actual nuance and subtleties.

Cool. big_smile

Hm, never thought about the panning before. I'll try that now, thanks.

I guess it would have been much better if I'd said "repetitive" instead of "slow-paced", oh well.

For the volume, I recorded it through the regular headphone jack at the same settings that I use for everything else, but the song just uses lots of quiet instruments. It sounded loud enough when I was going over the recording, though. … -requested

I was playing it through from start to finish and realized that it was already over 5 minutes long even though it didn't feel like I'd done much with my ideas. I just want to make sure this isn't turning into some 8-minute plodding yawner where it feels like it's just the same thing over and over.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yes_pizza just posted on his Facebook page saying that he's been working on an album for the last couple months. Apparently he lost his cartridges and just found them recently.