… ightscythe

This is a pretty cool project. The idea is that you have an individually programmable RGB LED strip that you modulate over time, while walking in front of a camera. With a long enough exposure, you get a 2D image. But the really cool aspect is that the camera will also capture the shadow of the thing, giving the impression that you actually have a plane of light floating mid-air.


(21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I've moved this to software and plugins. The forum sections are there for a reason.

I think we come from different backgrounds. I've had a mindset of helping people for a long time, but at some point you get jaded. 8bc is saturated with users who ask the same questions, even when there are reference posts with the information they're looking for right in front of their eyes. You can tell they're not even trying, but want other people to do all the work for them. It's not about being a noob per se, but the lacking attention span and/or low age. At some point you realize it's not worth your time. If they have the skill and motivation, they will find a way eventually.

For example, when people ask if it's worth prosounding their DMG, I usually give them the advice, tongue-in-cheek (or not), that they should make at least one song that's really good before considering a prosound.

Also, I agree very much with what godinpants said.

Anyway, back to the topic, perhaps?

roboctopus, here's a short summary. This site was created as a spinoff from 8bc in early 2010 mainly due to certain issues with the owner of 8bc, Jose Torres. I won't go into too much detail on that but it involved a stolen hardware and software design for the cartridges he was selling, a line of new products that turned out to be vaporware and lost money for a small number of people. And then to top it off, he banned or even deleted the user accounts of people who criticized him for it with explanation "my site, my rules".

And secondly, there's a more general attitude of mocking 8bc for being filled with noobs who, for example, don't know how to plug in an audio cable between a Gameboy and soundcard line input. And there's a lot of truth to this, unfortunately. After that question was asked a few times, someone wrote a sarcastically easy "spoon feeding" guide to recording. I'll see if I can find it once the site comes back up.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Perfect opportunity to close this, perhaps?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Tell me which EEPROM/flash chip you're using... Is it UV (EPROM), 12V programming (EEPROM) or flash?


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jefftheworld wrote:

Lol, what's with the last question?

You see, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it's always uncertain whether you will receive a question about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Until the interview has been conducted, the question is both asked and not asked in the same time.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GM: Not possible unless your MBC (memory bank controller) has support for it. (Actually, there is one possibility if your cartridge is using a flash chip that is reprogrammable from the Gameboy.)


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

And deleted!


(2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Did you ever see this again?

Recommended lecture: (1h 43m long!)


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Actually, I realize the extra resistor was a 4.7k, for those who might be in need of that fix. … -glitches/

Does the timbre of the sound affect how it looks?


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch: Actually, you've misread what he said. He said he had 220 ohms but not 270 ohms. 220 ohms is used as the limiting resistor while 270 ohms is used on the secondary side as a pullup. I once played around a lot with that to find that adding a 1.2k (IIRC) resistor from pin 7 (the unconnected pin) to ground could improve signal quality when stealing power from over the link cable. However, I didn't document the tolerances for the 270 ohm resistor. My bet is that 220 ohms will work OK.

TraceKaiser wrote:

In the name of science, I tested if it was actually just a shop, or a recreation.
I got the highest quality version of the original art, and scaled it down to 100x100 pixels (the resolution of the Kind Of Bloop art). This is what I got:

So the Kind Of Bloop art is definitely original, not just a modified picture. Unless there's some insanely awesome filter nobody knows about...

I know it's pretty obvious that it isn't a shop, but I just thought it would be nice to see how different a shop would look. Fairly different, it seems...

You're missing something, the color reduction. It's possible that with color reduction, you could come somewhere close to the Bloop cover, although you'd still need a lot of work. That would just provide a convenient starting point. I think the artist at least used the original as a guide below the canvas if you look at how similar they are in shape. See below, where I superimposed the Bloop cover over the original. I applied an edge filter so you can see the original better.

Certain details match up perfectly, which is what leads me to believe that he drew the cover over the original. Look how the lighter skin tones match up almost perfectly in the two images. Same with reflections on the trumpet shades on Miles' jacket. What does not match up perfectly, obviously, is the pattern on the tie. smile

(And no, this does not change the legal argument in the slightest. I'm just trying to objectively describe how I think the cover was mde anh why I think so, for those who are curious.)

The original comparison for reference: