so dakota and i are going to start a stolen music comp.
i've submitted one of dakota's songs he submitted one of mine
anyone else want on it?
I'll steal both of your new versions and submit them again, which means I win the competition. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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so dakota and i are going to start a stolen music comp.
i've submitted one of dakota's songs he submitted one of mine
anyone else want on it?
I'll steal both of your new versions and submit them again, which means I win the competition.
There's always Rob Webb, who's located in the UK. However, with the low dollar exchange rate, you will probably actually save a few pounds if you buy from Kitsch, even including shipping costs. On the other hand, UK shipping will probably be faster than overseas shipping.
This is cool and all, but why an MC2 and not an Arduinoboy? It's 2011...
In hindsight, a checksum of the data would've been nice too. And better compression, like Huffman, or even LZO... On the other hand I personally really like LSDj's compression because it's relatively easy to recover data from it.
It is actually entirely possible that you have this data in other locations aswell.
But as far as I remember, the compressor in LSDj only checks for that data and compresses it when it's in the "right" positions. Under normal circumstances you should never get the $e0 $f0 or $e0 $f1 commands anywhere else, even if the same sequence of bytes as the default wave or instrument exists at some other position in the uncompresssed data. Right?
I don't really have any good suggestions, but since I've written my own file manager, I can help you a little with hints about hings you can error cherk when loading files.
All of this can be summarized as, check that the file length is correct. You should get $e0, $ff when you have output exactly 32768 bytes, not more, not less. What's below are just methods to detect errors as early as possible.
1) Check that block switches ($e0) are valid. The parameter must be > (the current block) and < $1f. Or constants $f0/$f1 for default instr/wave, or $ff for EOF.
2) Check that there's actually a block switch within the 512 bytes of a block. If not, the file is corrupted somehow.
3) Check each block against the values in FAT. If you don't have a 1:1 match, either the FAT or the contents of the file are corrupted.
4) Another thing you can check, which is the only thing in this list that I don't check in LittleFM, is that the default instrument/wave commands are at output positions that are actually possible. I.e. the instrument command can only output data at positions $3080, $3090 and following aligned addresses. Likewise, waves must be written to $6000, $6010 and so on.
At the very least, check 1 and 2.
Move the cursor with the D pad. Currently selected values are reversed/white.
Press B to trigger the note. Press A to trigger the note raised one semitone.
Press L/R to change the octave.
Press select to turn "repeat" on/off, which produces a continuous note.
Press start to edit a waveform. Press start again to exit.
You can the W and M values in the formula. T is the time variable (read position in the waveform) and goes from 0-31.
The amplitude goes from -7 - 8. The output waveform is the carrier modulated by the modulator waveform.
The picture below shows the same parameters as above but with higher resolution.
My own notes: M is the modulator multiplier (overtone frequency) and W is the modulation depth.
abrasive wrote:But I need those! For making carts!
What about all the other Aussie solder monkey's?
The ten thousand men you're thinking of are free men, and so are their families... / Forums / Posts by nitro2k01