
(82 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2xAA wrote:

Jose gets his link ports manufactured for his Keyboard/Link port breakout board.
When (if) he's back you could strike a deal with him probably.

1) Those keyboard things don't even work properly. (At least not with the DMG style sockets they are using now.) They shouldn't have been manufactured in the first place. (But that's beside the point for this thread.)
2) Jose is a bit shady, and from my (well, not my personal) experience, he tends to basically blackmail people. I wish I didn't have to give this advice, but anyone considering doing business with Jose should think twice.

(Originally a response to 2xAA's post on 8bc, but also posted here in case that post would mysteriously vanish.)


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

gijs: I actually like my method better, since it makes use of the first step, and doesn't require it to be just a silent dummy note.

However, as a tech note, I think 3.7.4 still had the bug/feature where the volume envelope would always be retriggered when entering a note number, even when clearing the instrument, so for 3.7.4 I guess that method was needed.


(82 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NeX has actualy been discussing this very idea with me. Cool to see someone do it. Here's some advice:

Add ground planes. Ground planes help reduce interference and potential soft errors. The area around the crystal makes me worried, for example. Also make any power lanes slightly wider.

The display board has little springy contacts. These are ground connections, and you should ideally reserve an area that is not covered by silkscreen to allow them to connect.

The GBC cartridge socket has the ground pin moved one unit  moved forward. This mean that the ground pin is the first thing that makes contact when inserting a cartridge, and the last thing that disconnects when pulling it out. This is good because it prevents latchup. Add another ground hole, so people can use a GBC socket if they so wish. (BTW, I know a couple of guys who have desoldered GB sockets of different kinds that I can hook you up with.)

Hint: If needed, you can internally rearrange any of the address pins that are in use on the internal RAM chips, and any of the data pins as well, if it helps the routing. As long as you can write a byte to a position, and get back the same byte from the same position, all is well. (This is not true for the cart slot, of course, where things already have their place.)

Hint: If it helps, you can rotate chips 45 degrees. Not only will the board still come out just fine, but most fab houses can solder components at non-90 degree angles as well, if you'd ever go that route. (Down to 5 degree increments or so, I think.)

You might be able to move the components on the headphone daughterboard to the main board, for those who want minimize the daughterboard. (NeX smile ) The way I'd do it is to put a cuttable trace which bypasses those components, that you leave untouched if you don't want to connect those components to the main board.

Bypass caps are good - rather a couple uF too much than the opposite. Throw in a couple of ceramics as well, for good measure. (Regular common wisdom in electronics.)

A designated area with two extra holes for gnd and two extra holes for +5V wouldn't be wrong. Might come in handy.

Lastly, make sure that everything will fit, and no components will stick out too much etc.

Also, I have an idea for doubling the amount of available RAM, which would be possible if you could find a suitable 16 kByte chip, or fit two 8 kBytes on there. That would be very much of a "just because I can" type thing, and wouldn't actually be that useful, since no software supports it.

Also, if you're in for a challenge, you may want to try to redesign the power board, perhaps using MOSFETs for better speed and efficiency.

I'm sure I can come up with more things later, but I need to sleep. Would love to try this board out at some point.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Unless I completely misunderstood what you guys mean, my sav should do what you want. Click the link above.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is very much possible. Gimme a sec and I'll upload an example to lsdsng!


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Only at Google...

How does this correlate to TmEE's crystal audio mod? Can the "bad" PCB revisions be saved?

UNiX: Yes and yes.

That's that Feryl guy... The same guy who ranted about how chiptunes and swearing don't mix, named his album Winners Don't Use Drugs, doesn't get the pun in "Modemoiselle" and actually thinks it's a typo, and can't use tags on Blogspot correctly. Yeah, that guy.

It's cool and all, but honestly I think there's too much of a hype around it. But some people know how to create a hype around what they do, can't blame them.

When it comes to microcontrollers, I prefer stuff like this and this though.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

"The artist formerly known as PDF Format"

This device is probably the only device that could ever work with the Transferer: http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/ba … ex.html.en

Regular USB->LPT devices only provide access to a subset of the pins on the port, which is enough for printing and nothing more. This is explained on his page. I will mail him and ask what the device costs.

Begin by looking at a sav file in a hex editor and look at the specification. You probably won't be able to read the file naturally, but in time you'll notice patterns, such as seeing what kind of data you're looking at. (Groove data has a distinct look, for example. Phonem names are written in ASCII. And so on.) That's how I became a wizard.

Yes, it is called Little Sound Dj.

On a more serious note, I've been pondering making such a program, but as with so many other ideas I have, I've never gotten to it. What is it that you want to achieve?

low-gain wrote:

there's also Wallgreens or Batteries Plus In the Midwest... in case anyone is looking. wink or any other pharmacy that carries a wide variety of watch batteries.

Yeah, but how do they stand up to the price of a McDonalds toy? (Honest question; I have no idea what either costs in the US of A)