It's usually just called a (linear) polarizer or polarizing film. Are you interested in the chemical composition or do you just want to buy some? I wouldn't hold my breath for finding it locally, but it's readily available on line. First Google result for example:
If you are on a zero budget or wish to have some fun, try doing a teardown of an old/broken monitor. You will find a sheet of polarizing film as one of the layers in the LCD panel.
193 Mar 29, 2016 11:23 pm
Re: Backlighting film -- What is it made of? (2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
194 Mar 23, 2016 11:42 pm
Re: catskull electronics update 5/25: Teensyboy! (188 replies, posted in Trading Post)
MultiROM menu too?
How do you suppose that would work on 32k?
195 Mar 21, 2016 1:27 am
Re: DMG-01 DC power; 6v or 5v (2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
The DMG is using a switched mode power supply which works from pretty much anything from 4V-9V as long as it can provide enough current. 5V will work fine. 5V is not unusual for a set of slightly discharged batteries anyway.
196 Mar 15, 2016 10:42 pm
Re: Introducing ALTANE, nitro2k01's cartridge flasher project (170 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Oh, actually... ALTANE always flips the reset line at startup to make sure the cartridge is in a known state before doing any operations. This means that it should always consistently access page 2 and never 1. I always assumed that was a problem with my cart. (Which I once got sent as being faulty.) I could make it not touch the reset line so that it can access page 1 as well. In the meanwhile, you should be able to access what ALTANE wrote to the cart but by turning the power on-off-on quickly when the cart is in the *Gameboy* to move the cart to the page that the flasher wrote to.
197 Mar 15, 2016 4:52 pm
Re: Unable to Access profile page (7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
Should I delete the new account?
198 Mar 15, 2016 4:06 pm
Re: Unable to Access profile page (7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
This problem should be fixed now.
199 Mar 10, 2016 7:29 pm
Re: Numerous chip stores redirecting to Google search for (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Anthony, you should be able to do that edit yourself if you go to page 1 and click edit on the top post. However, you obviously need to be logged in as NonElectronics since that's the account the post was made as.
200 Mar 8, 2016 7:53 am
Re: Introducing ALTANE, nitro2k01's cartridge flasher project (170 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Don't disconnect the ALTANE. That will make the software lose its connection to the hardware. You could still do it while it's not running. But I'm still not really fond of the "USB cable with a switch" idea. The only two known ways to externally change the page as of now are to manipulate the cartridge power supply (removing/inserting the cart and so on) and through the cart's own USB port (as EMS's own application does.) Someone did once post a trick where you would short a certain point on the cart PCB to ground to permanently activate one page. Maybe this can be done with a switch where it either connects to ground or +5V. Just a thought.
201 Mar 1, 2016 6:29 pm
Re: Strange noise on DMG-01 (17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I sent a pm to you DOS4GW.
202 Feb 26, 2016 2:06 am
Re: [Spam problem]Can someone contact some competent authorities? (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The best way to inform us about spam is to click report under the post in question. It's sufficient to report one post during an ongoing spam attack.
203 Feb 23, 2016 2:50 pm
Re: Feryl - So I Rush to the End (6 replies, posted in Releases)
Moved from general discussion to releases.
204 Feb 21, 2016 10:11 pm
Re: Numerous chip stores redirecting to Google search for (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
It feels sad to have to revive this thread, but the current state of affairs is that the affected domains point to a Google search for "kitsch-bent" instead of to Just a marginal difference to the previous situation, I think. And still no really straight answer from Matt.
In other news, (no dash) has just entered pendingDelete status and will soon be released.
205 Feb 19, 2016 6:35 pm
Re: BGB: toggle audio recording with a joypad button? (3 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
The closest you can come to this is to use the pause function. Whenever you pause and unpause, a new audio file is created. If you're recording multiple tracks (which I'm guessing is your use case?) you can pause-unpause before and after each track and later delete the unused silent files. You can configure a shortcut for pause by checking configure extra buttons, then pressing configure game controller.
Otherwise, my own guess is that it's unlikely that beware will implement the function exactly as you requested it.
206 Feb 17, 2016 8:41 pm
Re: Strange noise on DMG-01 (17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
May I also ask what the serial number sticker says?
207 Feb 17, 2016 5:22 pm
Re: Strange noise on DMG-01 (17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Since version 4.7.0, LSDj contains a fix, discovered by yours truly btw, for reducing sample noise. Mainly on GBA, but also on other GB models.
If your version is 4.7.0 or newer, please tell me which version you're using, and which motherboard revision you have as described by kineticturtle. I would like to figure out if what you're hearing is a side effect of my fix. 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 contain fixes related to this problem so again, please specify the exact version.
If your version is older than 4.7.0, try upgrading to the latest version and see if that helps.
208 Feb 11, 2016 3:49 am
Re: Undocumented gb registers (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
CGB only, I believe. Sample in general means to sample a signal at the current point in time. Sampled sound means that you do this periodically and save the result. What this does is to sample the state of one of the channels at one point in time.