
(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

That appears to be a bug in the code with titles with numbers only. As a quick fix I changed the URL for it, but I'll bug trash80 about. (Or maybe even fix it myself.)



(9 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

theDutchess wrote:

-is this interchangeable with all oscillators, (read: is the relationship between voltage output and frequency related mathematically?)

Low-gain answered most of your questions, but I'll address this one.
1 V/oct is a widely recognized and used standard in modular synthesis because it makes things easier if oscillators (and filters, not to be forgotten) follow a common standard. There are others, less common ones as well, such as Buchla's 1.2 V/oct, which elegantly translates into 200 mV/semitone. (Don Buchla is a famous pioneer in modular synthesis who started his career in 60's. Another name to look out for is Serge)

However, 1 V/oct (1 V/some arbitrary interval) is not a magic intrinsic property of oscillators. The oscillator needs to be designed and tuned for that standard in order to obey it. Often, a high precision oscillator has two trim potentiometers for tuning, of which one is for fine tuning in the higher octaves. This is needed because the oscillator is likely to deviate from its voltage/frequency curve at higher frequencies. Another problem is temperature instability - the oscillator detunes itself once it warms up. This problem is solved by thermocoupling  a heat sensitive resistor  to the critical transistor, to compensate for these effects. Thermocoupling means that the components are placed in such a way that they keep the same temperature, in the case of this resistor, by joinng it to the transistor with a blob of thermal grease.

Now I'm not expecting you to understand all of that immediately (hopefully you will one day smile ) But rather I'm trying to explain that getting a high precision or even low precision a 1V/oct response is not a trivial thing but requires it to be a part of the design. Specifically, making an APC do 1V/oct would likely require some sort of voltage scoling.

little-scale wrote:

CSIRAC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSIRAC

I'm with you. I immediately spotted the error at 00:46. Although that probably was and is the world's oldest recorded computer music.


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

BP, the sav is lost, at least as far as I can. It's filled mostly with garbage, and some of it resembles song data, but I can't recover anything useful unfortunately.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I actually think l-scale can assign domain names to the accounts, though I'm not sure.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

Snow Leopard, actually, Leopard, is a piece of shit. I suffer it every day at work. I'll be happy with Tiger.

Care to elaborate?


(36 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Time to take Plastik for a serious test drive!


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

24 indeed. You can actually figure this out in the program. 1 step (with the default groove) is 6 ticks. That's what the groove function does, counts ticks. 1 step=1/16. 4 steps=1/4. 4*6=24.


(4 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Because there's no reason to post it as an ensemble to begin with. I'd do that if I wanted to include something else, like some effect unit. Many people seem to post instruments as ensembles which generally has no advantage except that it's superficially easier to open the file.


(4 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Plastik is an FM synth (or more accurately phase modulation synth) inspired by the Yamaha OPL chips found in Ad Lib and Sound Blaster soundcards in the 80's and 90's, renowned for its plastic sound. It should be noted, however, that even though Plastik was made to produce the same overall qualities as the OPL chips, and even has some of its unique features (the waveforms, the fixed vibrato and tremolo frequencies) it makes no claim whatsoever to be a complete or accurate OPL emulator.

Plastik is still work in progress, so if you find something that's wrong with it, or you have a feature request, feel free to contact me. (Leave a comment or fetch my e-mail address from the bottom of the page.)

Get it here: http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2010/01/23 … -fm-synth/


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you're only going to use LSDj on it and feel that you often run out of space, go for either a Smartboy or a BleepBloop. (if you can find them anymore.) Not the EMS 64M. I have something awesome in stock for those carts, soon t be released.


(18 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

You are clearly in need of some h4x. Check the model of the router/modem. Chances are it still has a default password. Then you can configure the DNS server that the router is relaying too. But make sure you copy the original value in case something goes wrong.


(18 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

akira^8GB wrote:

The redirect for forms doesn't work on Safari. Works great on Firefoxon Mac though.

Seems like Viacom refreshed their DNS so I can enter again, but at home I will probably have the same issue until the bloody ISP refreshes their DNS shit.

Get OpenDNS. works like a charm! But make sure to sign up for an account or you'll get their pr0n filter.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Austin wrote:

The original image doesn't look like that, it's 60x60

Computer say no!

BP: It's probably not what you want, but what about this badboy?
Hi: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gameboygen … 8/sizes/o/

I can get a highres of the back as well if you're interested.
I'll also check if I have a non-molested grey one, hehe.