HP 54600a. It's a fully digital one. On a similar model, you can play Tetris, but not on this particular one. Otherwise an ok scope. But I don't own it, I'm afraid. I used it at a school lab.
401 Jun 22, 2014 5:29 pm
Re: How Do I Know If A YouTube Content ID Claim Is Bogus Or Not? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
402 Jun 22, 2014 5:13 pm
Re: How Do I Know If A YouTube Content ID Claim Is Bogus Or Not? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
A track off of this CD:
Apparently the same piece played on piano, in the same key and about the same tempo. Here are the two tracks mixed together for comparison:
Dang robots...
403 Jun 21, 2014 11:32 am
Re: Why metal shielding in DMG? (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Nope. The noise in a DMG is created inside the semiconductor. A prosound mod is about as good as it gets. In your guitar, the pickups are likely completely passive so they are susceptible to picking up external noise, so the shielding makes more of a difference. Also, the shielding in the Gameboy is more likely to be for keeping things in than keeping them out.
And some trivia, there's actually some copper shielding in a DMG, on the back of the CPU board, soldered to it in 6 points.
404 Jun 21, 2014 9:09 am
Re: Why metal shielding in DMG? (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Originally, it was put in to act as a shield to conform to electromagnetic interference regulations, as engraved into the plastics on the back of the case. However, since it was designed as an integral part of the case, removing it will leave a big hole in the case where dust can enter much more easily than it could have otherwise.
405 Jun 21, 2014 6:58 am
Re: Arduinoboy midi in problem (31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
To comment on what was said above. You can theoretically skip the optocoupler, yes, but preferably not using pins 4 and 5. Pins 4 and 5 are connected to +5V and the signal, respectively. You would have to ideally connect pin 2 to ground, and pin 5 to the input. With this way you probably need to add a pull-up resistor to guarantee that it would work with all MIDI sources. But doing this risks introducing hum since you now have a ground loop. This is what the MIDI standard originally set out to eliminate.
406 Jun 20, 2014 4:47 am
Re: Arduinoboy midi in problem (31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Could you arrange them by which ones work and which don't and take a picture? Or describe what's printed on each.
407 Jun 19, 2014 8:31 pm
Re: Arduinoboy midi in problem (31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
(although I'm using 914 so it shouldn't be reversed)
This doesn't make sense. The black marking should indicate the cathode on a 1n914, just like on a 1n4148. And there's no reason you should not reverse the diode either. It should always be pointing the opposite direction to the diode in the optocoupler, or it will mute the signal.
408 Jun 19, 2014 5:20 pm
Re: Arduinoboy midi in problem (31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
+5V on RX and TX is nothing to worry about. A positive voltage is the normal idle state of the serial lines. Communication is then started by pulling the serial line low, the so called start bit.
Have you checked that the arduion is correctly programmed, ie that it does the startup blink sequence and can cycle through the modes if a button is attached?
If that is working, something must be wrong on the side MIDI receiving side. Basically recheck everything there. Common errors: the resistor is the wrong value, for example if you misread the exponent stripe so you have a 2,2k or 22k resistor. The protection diode (1n4148) is reversed, which would kill the signal. You may have reversed the two pins coming off the MIDI wire. Or, something may be wrong on the other side of the optocoupler. Check that you didn't confuse the RX and TX lines on the microcontroller board.
409 Jun 14, 2014 5:13 am
Re: Typeface Unicode Testing Wanted (11 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
I would much rather than you put the heart on one of the heart code points instead of on the euro sign code point, such as U+2665, and put an actual euro sign on U+20AC, accessibility be damned.
410 Jun 14, 2014 12:34 am
Re: how do i delete a song (2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
You click edit submission, then remove item at the bottom of the page.
411 Jun 13, 2014 12:01 am
Re: Removing a variable clock mod (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If it's already in there why not just add a switch to it? The effort of removing it couldn't be much more than throwing in a switch.
Yeah, but adding a switch is also a risk. The switch may break during a gig or make the GB more crash-prone.
412 Jun 12, 2014 10:09 pm
Re: Anton Maiden Topic (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
413 Jun 12, 2014 10:06 pm
Re: Upcoming Releases (617 replies, posted in Releases)
New goto80 in two days!
414 Jun 12, 2014 4:36 am
Re: Flappy Bird ported to Gameboy, any interest in some carts? (45 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
nitro2k01, fuck flappy bird, you have the skills to do canbalt man, so do it. please
Canabalt is a cool idea, but I think at least DMG is the wrong platform for Canabalt because of the slow LCD response time. I do have other thing in the pipline, though.
415 Jun 12, 2014 4:34 am
Re: Removing a variable clock mod (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
All the leeway you want, basically, with one caveat. With an original close to 4 MHz clock, the lowest possible frequency (because of hardware limitations) corresponds to about C-3. No problem. With a close to 2 MHz crystal, it would instead be C-2, which is just one octave below. (Often done to gain an extra octave of bass.) Also no problem.
If you put in say a 3 MHz crystal, the lowest frequency would be something G-2. You now have a couple of options. Make the scale start at G-2. Map everything to their true notes starting at C-3, and ignore the newly available half octave below C-3. Map everything to their true notes starting at C-2, but map C-2 to F#2 (or so) to the frequencies one octave above. It can be a bit extra tricky, but anything is possible, really.
Things to keep in mind though, too low clock frequency, LSDj or other software may run too slowly to play your song without lagging. Too high frequency, and you put a limit on how low notes you can play, and also, there's some limit on how hgh frequencies the CPU can tolerate.
416 Jun 12, 2014 3:22 am
Re: Removing a variable clock mod (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If the clock crystal (indicated in the picture) is still in there, you should be able to just desolder the mod and it should work normally. If not, you need to replace the clock crystal with a new one (or one nabbed from another Gameboy). If possible you should get a replacement one that is exactly 4.194304 MHz. If not, you can use a 4 MHz one or any value in the vicinity, ordered from any electronics part distributor like Mouser. Using a different clock crystal than the stock value will offset the note pitches and BPM values, however. This can be fixed with a ROM modification, though.