I wouldn't put one in my gameboy unless somebody was just giving them out.
You mean any backlight, or these?
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by nitro2k01
I wouldn't put one in my gameboy unless somebody was just giving them out.
You mean any backlight, or these?
The LEDs should give you no trouble. Because of the resistor, the current is limited, and the circuit will work fine both if any LED is unfitted, or if it's shorted. If the LED worked when you tested it but stoped working when you fitted it (assuming everything else is ok) it's more likely that you inserted it backwards than that it's broken. Inserting it backwards can NOT damage the chip, however. Never insert diodes used as rectifiers the wrong way around, however.
I'm noticing a lack of solder. If the board is anywhere near decent quality, the holes will be plated through with copper, so that if you solder on one side, there should still be a connection through the hole. I'm however noticing that the pin headers are not soldered (right?) That means that there's no guarantee that all the pins will mate. You probably should solder all these in place. (I'm pretty sure you didn't solder them on the bottom as there's plastic in the way. )
Another thing you might want to check is that the microcontroller chip is inserted the right way around. It sounds crazy, but there are images, official product images even, all over the interwebz, where the chip is inserted the wrong way around. (Knuckleheads!) The chip should be inserted so that the notch is pointing "down" i.e. NOT toward the side where the USB and power connections are.
Again, check what I asked you. Are your batteries fresh? Any corrosion on the battery contacts? That is, in the Gameboy, not the cartridge's battery.
gqs and sav files are two different things. A sav file is the contents of the battery SRAM on the cartridge. gqs is a save state file. It is a snapshot of the full emulated state of the machine. It's as if you freeze the current state of the machine (memory, CPU, graphics) instead of turning off the "Gameboy".
Oh, and another thing make sure you're not connecting the USB cable while the cartridge is in the Gameboy (whether or not the Gameboy is powered on.)
I actually believe the problem is that your batteries are going dry. The EMS cartridge draws more current than other cartridges, so even though your Gameboy might work fine with a game cartridge, the EMS cartridge might fail for this reason.
My advice would be to change to fresh batteries and also to look for corrosion on the battery contacts. If they're clean and the problem persists even with fresh batteries, you might look into the possibility of a faulty cartridge.
I may soon be interested in borrowing a Bung Xchanger for reverse engineering. (Or if you want to donate, if you feel particularly inclined.) I can not offer monetary compensation at this point, but if you're actually using the Xchanger and need a replacement I can lend you a USB flasher. (Similar to the Bleepbloop flasher.)
I'm moving this to the trade post. And even with this arrangement, the rules stipulate that you need to indicate a price for the item.
If you're ok with some minor visible markings where the logo were, try some light scraping with a flathead screwdriver or a white cotton cloth with some acetone on it. Don't wet the cloth with too much acetone, as to avoid dripping onto the screen cover edge, which might dissolve the glue.
Nope. It's fucked. The connector on the right side of the screen is a different type of plastic, and if you apply heat to it, well, that happens.
I just have a question: Did you mean "Suedeboy" as in blue suede shoes?
Pretty sure he meant that the blue shell and yellow backlight is a reference to the flag.
What has happened is that the key repeat value value is set to a value higher than the normally allowed range. Normally you can set it up to 15 frames. (1 frame=1/60 second) Now it might be say 100 frames. One way to fix this is to decrease the value until it's down in the normal range. You can do this holding A and repeatedly tapping down and/or left until the values are down in the normal range. You will probably have to do this many times. The value will go down to 0 and wrap around a couple of times.
If you're able to back up the save and edit it in a hex editor, change byte 3FBA to 7 and 3FBB to 2 and the problem should go away.
To anyone who might be wondering, the version of LittleFM that is publicly available does not work with derp. It's all working, but I need to finish the script for patching an LSDj ROM before I feel comfortable releasing it.
Xyno is right. I've stickied that thread. Use that instead.
Bump and sticky because this is good stuff.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by nitro2k01