Planned feature for LittleFM, although I don't have an ETA for when this might be implemented.
1,297 Jun 7, 2012 2:53 pm
Re: LSDJ song transfer via link cable idea UPDATE (21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
1,298 Jun 7, 2012 9:40 am
Re: lets talk best data compression for the nets (25 replies, posted in Audio Production)
48/24 and 96/24 make sense for storing an original recording and processing audio, if you want to avoid artefacts or so. For distributing audio for listening, there's really no reason to go above 16-bit (if your format can use bits; the concept of bits typically doesn't exist for lossy formats), or 44.1 kHz/48 kHz.
1,299 Jun 7, 2012 3:26 am
Re: lets talk best data compression for the nets (25 replies, posted in Audio Production)
48 Mhz would be pretty gnar, though.
Well, as it turns out, hz is a different unit than Hz. 1 hz is defined as 1 mHz (one millihertz). So 48 Mhz ends up being 48 kHz after all.
1,300 Jun 7, 2012 2:34 am
Re: lets talk best data compression for the nets (25 replies, posted in Audio Production)
It depends on the kind of music you make, so keep experimenting. From the sounds of things, I suggest trying different encoders. When I want to encode something quickly, I usually go with 192kbps mp3s, from 48Mhz 16-bit sample renderings.
48 kHz.
And you should probably avoid this for online use, as Flash tends to prefer 44.1 kHz. (Maybe this was only true for older versions of the player, though.)
1,301 Jun 7, 2012 1:29 am
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
lets just let An1 decide what we do and be done with it. Everyone loves Ant1. Also where Gnarsauce at. Hot soxy babes anyone ? arrr memories. also the people saying "there are a lot of cool artists that really mostly did singles, and would chart from time to time". ( Jredd or SkipsandwichDX or Doomsberry Fearofdark ), ......i get this and sort of agree. but then i just think, stop being lazy fucks. 'Singles collection' whack that shit on bandcamp for gratis problem sold. Id be very happy to stumble across FOD release on the releases section here. i mean it was nice getting the odd track but releases are better. There are many people are had in my '8bc random' folder that i goggled recently, and it wasnt hard to find that most had net label releases, tumblirs,soundclouds, releases on bandcamp etc.....and as i said before, i found more shit off a tangent from that, stuff those people had commented on on soundcloud etc.....i think if there was gonna be any system here....then favouriting tracks would be quite nice. but as said before you'd only see that from looking on beans profilez yo. anyway you can find lots of dope shit on my soundcloud. look at who i am following, you ll see its all dope cos im cool. im doper than dope and certainly doper than yo.
1,302 Jun 7, 2012 12:02 am
Re: TIMEHEATER SATANIC DEVIL CULT BASTARDS MP3 (10 replies, posted in Releases)
This is like those jokes on dubstep videos on YT, about needing to take a shower because the drop was so dirty, only the whole song, and actually dirty.
1,303 Jun 5, 2012 3:45 pm
Re: gameboy developers? idea/ bounty (33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
6502 is easier to get into than z80.
Hmm, I wonder... I always found 6502 to be a complete brainfuck, although I've heard it's more powerful when you do know it well.
1,304 Jun 4, 2012 6:18 pm
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
So, how should I put this... I'm in the camp that supports there being some form of active rating mechanism. (Likes, 5 star rating or similar.) I think the idea behind the current system is that everyone should have equal opportunity, and preventing favoritism. However, there are two problems. For the listener, if you don't have the time and will to browse through 20 songs, it's practical to have some form of quality screening. And if you're an uploader, some form of reward is an incentive to upload good music. As unfortunate as it is, 90% of music uploaded is going to suck (or at least not blow anyone's mind). A rating system can help bring attention to those other 10%.
I can see certain specific problems with a rating system, which could be solved with some tweaking of the rules. Sockpuppet accounts: restrict voting to people who have a certain amount of activity in the forums or similar. Favoritism: If a person reaches the top 3, restrict them from reaching top 3 for the next x weeks. And so on. I do think some form of rating system would be good for the site.
1,305 Jun 3, 2012 3:16 pm
Re: xxxxxxxxxx (42 replies, posted in General Discussion)
nordloef wrote:A few people on here have made similar stuff. Low-Gain released one of his albums in a NES cart (3" cd in a NES cart). Crashfaster and Glowing Stars released gb mp3 carts (memory stick in gb cart).
I think.
Yes. Awkward Terrible did the USB flash drive game boy cart too. People donated games to us and also pre-ordered got colored cartridges (yellow, blue, red, gold, silver).
(Someone else's flickr photo that I found via google).
Now this would be cooler if it was a working GB cartridge with the album on it, AND a flash drive on the other side containing MP3s.
1,306 May 31, 2012 5:41 am
Re: hi def gameboy pics (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
1,307 May 30, 2012 9:38 pm
Re: hi def gameboy pics (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
nitro2k01 wrote:
Click actions/view all sizes to see the nice high res original. This is the picture used for the Gameboy Wikipedia article. The image is released under the CC-BY license, so in theory you should be able to freely use that image, even for commercial purposes, as long as you give attribution.That picture is confusing.
How so? The battery LED is dead (or too dim to be visible) and the DMG is running ZOMG GAEMS, but other than that I don't see a problem.
1,308 May 30, 2012 6:48 pm
Re: hi def gameboy pics (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Click actions/view all sizes to see the nice high res original. This is the picture used for the Gameboy Wikipedia article. The image is released under the CC-BY license, so in theory you should be able to freely use that image, even for commercial purposes, as long as you give attribution.
1,309 May 30, 2012 1:33 pm
Re: lsdj or nanoloop? (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
The age old question, asked again. At least indicate that you've done some research before asking. Locked.
1,310 May 29, 2012 2:44 am
Re: LSDJ scroll disabled? (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Try clearing RAM. Go to the load/save menu item in the project screen and press select+A, then "yes". Of course, this clears any songs in RAM, but at least the open song would have been destroyed by playing Pokemon anyway.
1,311 May 29, 2012 1:35 am
Re: USB cart sav help (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm guessing the joke is also that there's a console called Virtual Boy.
1,312 May 28, 2012 5:22 am
Re: EMS Transferer II Troubleshooting? (7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I don't think it does. I believe EMS Transferer units are only compatible with Bung's 64M cartridge.
Having said that, you may want to check that your LPT port is properly configured and that you're getting contact with the actual unit.
Another thing, do you have any other type of cartridge which you can easily flash at the moment? (This would be for a cartridge swapping experiment.)