Frostbyte wrote:

lol, yeah yeah yeah.

We should make the emails public. I only sent because he seemed trustworthy and he made it seem like he needed them right then. I'm not being so trustworthy anymore. #misanthropy that shit.

to me it seems quite unintuitive to be redirected to my outbox after sending a PM. wondered if a redirect to the inbox might be more sensible?


(76 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Pixelgent wrote:

Ever thought of useing a pixel logo? obviously the typeface/font is a play on the way the name is said.

this one. so much.


GUYS! yikes

never send full anything without payment!

the only winner in this thread.



(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

akira^8GB wrote:

Where to begin...

also, this.


(13 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

nicely done :3


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Monotron wrote:

It's a neat idea, but it would be a complete rip off of other's designs. Profiting off of another person's design is not cool at all, and probably illegal. That being said I really do enjoy the idea of a sleek arduino boy though, as it would be great for the less tech savvy or the lazy with a lot of money in their pockets. Now if they did get the consent and ownership rights to the original design, then it would be a different story. It seems like it would be fantastic for live sets.

well, arduinoboy is gplv2 licensed. so, it wouldn't be illegal to re-distribute the code (on a device or to read elsewhere). i don't know about the actual circuit design themselves, though.


(5 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

reminded me of:


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hmmm. this seems like a very expensive collation of other people's work. wont be buying, good luck to them.

"water music" by aleksi eeben.

but i'm not saying oss is necessarily the issue. i can't remember when canonical dropped compatibility.

SketchMan3 wrote:

Yeah, I have ALSA. KiGB needs to step up their game, yo!

Downloading alsa-oss now

Edit: Still nothing. Hmmm... lemme check my emails and see if they've written me back...

it probably wouldn't work anyway because canonical removed alsa compatibility layer. i compiled a kernel with oss enabled a while back to play quake3 arena but there are probably some tutorials (or maybe binaries) out there to help you do this. worse still, you could switch to gentoo, if you're feeling suitably masochistic. good luck.

Men of Mega wrote:

where did you see this?

My bad, the deal via ended a week ago apparently...

it was a 33% discount.

The Silph Scope wrote:

I was going to suggest compiling it from source but it seems to be closed source sad
Did you try posting on the Ubuntu forums?

Hmm which sound architecture are you using? ALSA/Pulse/OSS/etc?

oss support was deprecated from the ubuntu kernel some time ago. i suspect this could be where part of the problems lies. i've found various softwares only work with oss and this caused me a bit of pain of the past year and a bit.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

these days, digital. i have no space for physical artefacts in my flat.