update: this track will be played on Arecibo Radio, more namely DJ Obtuse's 8-bit Power Hour at 9PM EST this Monday. f yes!
594 Feb 11, 2012 8:33 pm
Re: • RAINBOWDRAGONEYES / RONIIT USA TOUR 2012 (22 replies, posted in Past Events)
savannah? on february ei- oh, god damn it.
595 Feb 11, 2012 6:16 pm
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
596 Feb 10, 2012 10:48 pm
Re: musical experience? (53 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Aeros wrote:should probably just pull a danimal cannon and dissect some project files
it helps once you know what you're looking at
i usually do (and if i don't, well, that's the point of looking at it in the first place), i just can't find anything good to work with. what was that site which has a directory full of LSDSNGs and instrument params?
597 Feb 10, 2012 9:04 pm
Re: musical experience? (53 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Aeros wrote:god now i feel sorta bad for starting this shit so late, everyone's taken classes or lessons or gotten their skill early on and all i can really do is intermediately work a tracker.
what keeps you away from learning right now? how old are you, 90?
funny. at the time you posted that, i was replacing my batteries for the fifth time this month in my gameboy from constant use of LSDJ.
should probably just pull a danimal cannon and dissect some project files
598 Feb 10, 2012 2:57 am
Re: chipscene in savannah? (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
there are a few people doing music in charleston, and you already mention atlanta. atlanta would be your closest for shows i think...
you should probably orient your audience to the SCAD kids, they'll be more receptive possibly. people i've known go there are very open-minded, about music as well
well hell, i hadn't even CONSIDERED the audience in SCAD, kitsch. that might actually work.
599 Feb 10, 2012 2:41 am
Re: chipscene in savannah? (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i've never set up a live show before and i don't think i want to try given, one, i'm an underage neckbeard (16), and two, the only thing the majority of this place listens to is rap, rap, and more rap (as if i didn't already try to make that clear enough. there's also a bit of a jazz community here but that really doesn't help)
600 Feb 10, 2012 2:37 am
Re: musical experience? (53 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I don't know if DDR can be considered "music experience". Well I guess technically.
technically, yes. mainly actual experience with music composition and playing instruments, though.
601 Feb 10, 2012 2:19 am
Topic: chipscene in savannah? (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
twiddling my thumbs here in savannah, ga - i'm guessing the closest chipshows to here are mainly in atlanta?
moving here late october was a BIG mistake musically, the majority treats chipmusic like some kind of alien noise incomparable to their usual heavily-autotuned idiot singing about something they don't care about at 150 dB.
602 Feb 10, 2012 2:00 am
Re: musical experience? (53 replies, posted in General Discussion)
god now i feel sorta bad for starting this shit so late, everyone's taken classes or lessons or gotten their skill early on and all i can really do is intermediately work a tracker.
603 Feb 9, 2012 9:21 pm
Topic: musical experience? (53 replies, posted in General Discussion)
so what kind of musical background/experience does chipmusic have?
i personally have none other than my recent workings in trackers, but i'd expect most people to have a lot more (at the very least highschool band/orchestra, comp/music theory, etc.)
604 Feb 7, 2012 2:21 am
Re: Playing to the Uninterested (51 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I found making chipmusic that sounds a bit like a punk/hardcore band and adopting a lot of the performance techniques of those genres really helped me with that crowd.
While I am partly joking, it is still 100% true.
i've never done a live show but that's a damn good idea
605 Feb 6, 2012 3:05 am
Re: post here and i will verbally abuse you (in a joke-ful manner) (101 replies, posted in General Discussion)
insult my horrible music and person so i can feel better
606 Feb 5, 2012 9:52 pm
Topic: Aeros - Engage (hard trance) (8 replies, posted in Releases)
get it now! (preferably buy it, but whatever )
a little expiremental track i've been working with over the past day or two that i decided to release on bandcamp for lack of releasing an EP i promised early December.
contains both the mastered and unmastered version.
607 Feb 5, 2012 8:51 pm
Re: hard trance on a gameboy - how'd i do? (18 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
well, i think i've got it to the point where i can't do anymore with it, i'll finish it up and release it on bandcamp soon. wanted to keep this one short anyways. thanks for the CC, everyone.
608 Feb 5, 2012 8:21 pm
Re: hard trance on a gameboy - how'd i do? (18 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
this is totally gonna be right up my alley when it's finished
only things I'd recommend:
if you have a spare channel that isn't doing anything, throw in some really long lines to kind of complement what you're doing with the syncopated stuff! I don't know if you're planning on using 2xLSDJ or not, but if you are, then using a pulse channel for long lead lines totally makes this AMAZING
another thing you could do to get the kick louder (again, it only works with 2xLSDJ
) is have the wav kick on another channel completely on its own. when you're working with music that fast and you want to do stuff with a bass pattern like that (when it goes kick-bass-bass), the problem is always going to be whether you have enough room between the kick and the bass note for the kick to really make its presence known, simply because it doesn't have time to do its pitch shift down before it gets interrupted by the bass note! the higher the BPM gets, the less time the kick drum has to do this! so a potential solution would be to simply give the kick drum its own channel so it has time to get through the table. but then you lose a wav channel
you could also use another pulse channel to double it like skgb said (again, 2xLSDJ) and that gives your kick a great hardstyle-like presence! I guess I'm just trying to make you get another copy of LSDJ ._.
sounds awesome though! really looking forward to hearing more of this
only problem with that is, i can't afford another gameboy. in fact, even if i had another gameboy, i couldn't afford the link cable, cartridge, or extra recording cable to do so.