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Topics by Aeros
Posts found: 625-633 of 633
what's up! i'm a novice chiptunist working with LSDJ and Famitracker. i personally don't think my stuff's all that good, and i don't release very often, but the best of what i can make is on my bandcamp @
i suppose the most worth checking out is Master of None, but it's quite long and i really don't think it's up to par with the rest of everyone's works. every bit helps, though! 
VCMG wrote:Hi! Like most people, I use the Gameboy. This is the only album on my Bandcamp really worth checking out:
Highlights of that are Waking Up in the Perseids and New Beginnings Past Old Endings.
I also have some miscellaneous tracks uploaded here. My favorites of those are Comms Relay and Victory Flower Fields, but Magma Mountain is pretty popular as well.
this guy
ah, i ran into this problem with my gameboy recording setup.
go to start > control panel > view by icons > sound
bring up the properties for your recording device (should be pretty straightforward), then select the advanced tab
set the quality up as high as the mofo goes and try it then. sound should work OK then.
cheapshot wrote:Hey all.
In a similar vein to Nordloef, I'm just writing this thread to let you know that I'm going to be in NYC on the 28th and 29th of March. If anyone wants to hang out, show me around, or even better - invite me to play a show, I'd be over the moon!
must... not... fanboy...
Solarbear wrote:
Time train?
Time train.
well i guess this thread's been derailed as of about right now, good job guys
Edward Shallow wrote:cars versus boats. discuss.
so i've been using LSDJ for a while and, after having a good look at nanoloop, its matrix sequencing system, and a few of its features, i'm thinking of buying it, but i'd prefer not to make an investment like that without knowing what i'm getting into. anyone with nanoloop want to testify? anything really good/bad about it?
this is, so far, my latest and greatest work. i'm a complete novice when it comes to use of LSDJ, and just got my hands on a DMG and some basic gear to get into working with chiptunes, so if I could get some criticism, and any tips and tricks i could use, it would be greatly appreciated. my other LSDJ works can be found here, if it's of any significance:
thanks in advance! 
that was fast. thanks bro 
Posts found: 625-633 of 633
Pages Previous 1 … 38 39 40 / Forums / Posts by Aeros