fuck YES.


(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nickmaynard wrote:

that looks awesome.

all kinds of this.

The EMS cart is a battery sucker, and the Pocket doesn't like this. If you mod it, with a battery pack (dunno the details lol, but Bibin has done it), then it'll work just fine.

According to the weather, it may rain on Monday in Chicago, but no snow.

and I am also stoked as hell for this. Wooo.

Derris-Kharlan wrote:




(58 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I like that idea.


(58 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

thefox wrote:
tacticalbread wrote:

windows only = sad

although it seems to work better in Wine than Fami does.

There's not much Windows specific code (it uses SDL), so it should port to *nix with relative ease.


also, I really like the instrument editor. Way better than Fami's imo.

(one suggestion: the ability to change line numbers from decimal to hex would be great. I hate having my line numbers in decimal, it's so confusing. sad)


(58 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

windows only = sad

although it seems to work better in Wine than Fami does.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

Tacticalbread: Are you coming to the chicago gig?

shit yes I am, lol.

shitbird wrote:

Im going to try and make it to this. I requested off on the 27th already. Maybe  no one will notice when i move that day over one. lol

awwww YEAH.

(play the open mic!) big_smile

Saskrotch wrote:

pre-game mega man 8 bit death match lan party!

wait does anyone know how to set up a lan?

or throw a party, for that matter?

shouldn't be too hard, if all computer are on the same network. (the LAN part that is xP)


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shitbird wrote:

aw..i skipped right over that..   if im not at work, Im definitely coming out

dude. dude. Fuckin do it.

And play the open mic too.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

While I understand zero of what is talked about in the article, that's pretty damn impressive if you ask me.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nine hour layover? ffffffuuuuuuu

That poster is pretty damn awesome.


(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Simply input a picture of yourself WITH AWESOME HAIRZ, and it outputs TEH BEST CHIPTOOONS EVAR.

HPizzle wrote:

hairquest theme emailed. you thought i was joking didn't you? well i called out of work just to write this! OK not really, it only took 20 min to make lol, but i did call out.

bwahaha this is fucking great. THEME SONG GET.

egr wrote:

The screen shots are fantastic, you are on the exact right track.  big_smile

Looks like I'll need to make a bootable linux disc to play this, I can't get it working in windows at all ('cause I'm a dum dum).

heh, thanks. big_smile

and I wouldn't really expect to work in Windows at all, unless you install cygwin. (even then, I dunno how well it would work. I'm not sure if gstreamer would work, or even if all of the coreutils are installed, but I guess you could try it).