(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Now my wife thinks I am playing pong when I am having a conversation. Love it.


(33 replies, posted in Releases)

Sending some love your way, broseph.  Been listening to this like crazy.  Top notch/new hotness.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have started a podcast called A Jumps B Shoots.  Its a video game podcast and soon to be media outlet for video games and everything surrounding interactive technology and culture.

I was going to write all of the music for the podcast but thought that it would be awesome to get bumps from my friends at chipmusic.org.  If you are willing to donate some tunes (3-4 would be best) for the intermissions in the show, just email me.  All chosen artists will get a thank you at the end of the show and a plug for their website.

I want chip music to be a very pronounced part of my show, much like Bytejacker is doing.  I update every other Monday.  If you guys and gals have any topic ideas, go ahead and email me.



http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/02/episod … jbs-fight/ - Episode 4 with our interview with 2 Player Productions and featuring music from Greenleaf, Shortsleeves, and Go Motion
http://http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/02 … -tangents/ - Episode 3 featuring D&D Sluggers
http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/01/episod … ong-to-be/ - Episode 2 featuring Plain Flavored
http://ajumpsbshoots.com/2011/01/debut_episode/ - Episode 1 featuring Nick Maynard

iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/bw/podcast/a-ju … d416755362

If you want your music featured on the podcast please e-mail me 3-4 songs to matt (at) ajumpsbshoots dot com.  I'll email you back telling you what show you've been slated for.

2 hour time limit, then you gotta move 2 (not one) blocks away.  No license required.  Its the lack of amplification thats keeping me from bucking the shit out of SE Hawthorne.

I've been trying to do a regular chip show off and on since 2008.  The venues don't want to support it because theres very little support for the genre in this town.  The biggest chip shows bring around 40-60 people max.  Its just not impressive enough.  We need to start small and keep something going.

I think whatever preamping and converters are going to make a much larger difference in quality of sound.  My personal preference is RCA... I like a sleeve connection better than a point to point.  Not sure if that alone changes the quality.

The showing I hosted in Portland had a whopping 12 people show.  Asif and Paul were pumped anything at all happened.


(8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Goddamn Okami is a good game.  I think I'll start a new save game one right now.

Don't suppose you'd have super and sega everdrives in stock before the sale ends?

We got a few here in Portland, promise.

Already emailed you but so stoked that a venue in Portland in getting interested in a possible regular 8-bit thing.  I have been working on this for almost 2 years now with little to show for it.

I usually sit down with someone and swap ideas.  Having a large group of musical friends really helps, especially when they approach music very differently than you.  And don't be afraid to steal ideas, they can sometimes morph into something that is uniquely you.

Also, new sounds.  When I can program my synths for like 5-10 minutes I can come up with something I've never heard before and that just sends a flood of ideas on how to use them.  Or I will take that sound on my synth and try to replicate it on the gameboy.  Even if I fail miserably, I sometimes some up with something really cool.  Its all about the small triggers that grow into something great.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

minusbaby wrote:

How Shit Gets Real, Pt. 64,738 by minusbaby, on Flickr

This is what's been going on recently.

Pro Tools HD, Adam monitors, Avalon preamp, Roland Space Echo, U87, Axiom and MPK controllers, K240's, and... is that... an Atari Lynx I see?  You bastard.


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)


I feel for you.  I know what depression feels like and worst yet, when it spills into the lives of the ones you love.  I am working on repairing something that happened in my life as well.  Here's hoping all turns out well.


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

enso wrote:

People better start making dual-NES songs now, or I will be so pissed.

This can already happen.  2 Midineses, one clock source/sequencer and offset midi channels by 5.  But yes, I want.