(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Dude... This really hits home for me... It takes me about a year to finish a few songs too sad
clicking and hissing all up in this joint is my favorite. Sounds like exploring in an ice cave.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Just finished listening!
Brought me back to mid 2000's smile
Summer of '86 and Hope Hearts were my favorite. Nice and chill.
Thanks for sharing, dude!

This was too hard...

Fighter X - 2009 & Berserker (I can't decide...)
Random - Bad Joke EP
Zan-Zan-Zawa-Veia - Mist Slug

I second E.V.O. That game is pretty cool.
Plok is OK... mainly for it's soundtrack.
Lufia 2 I remember being a pretty interesting RPG.
The Lost Vikings, Tetris Attack, Kirby's Avalanche, and Kirby's Dream Course are all pretty fun if you have a P2.

Thinking about all these games makes me sad that I'm not currently playing them. (@ ^ @)


(3 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I love milkytracker!!! That was my first tracker.
I really enjoyed the song. Those drums were pretty cool.
If you were planning to make it longer, you could go to a halftime feel with the drums and do a solo with that lead over it.

I think like JodyBigfoot said, you could probably up the bass volume by just a bit.

I could definitely imagine something like this in a SNES game intro screen.

Keep it up, dude!

Never in my life would I have thought another user from Spokane would pop up on cm.o...
As far as I know, I think myself and another user (Kremland) are the only Spokanites on here.

Seems like you already know more than I do about music theory... So I don't know how much I could help... hehe...
How long have you been in Spokane?

You should only continue writing music if you enjoy it. Also, don't give yourself a hard time for not being able to write like <insert musician>. It takes time to become that skilled and the amount of time varies from person to person. I've been writing music (on and off) for eight years now and I'm still not where I want to be, but I've definitely seen a lot of improvement.

Maybe take a break and come back when you're feeling that itch to write something. You might get a fresh perspective. I know that when I've taken breaks from writing I've mysteriously become better upon returning (o - o)

Xuriik wrote:

"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best."

You are awesome.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dude. I love Shaq.

Seriously some great stuff. Sinapse gives me chiiiiiiillllllllllllls.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Onlynetears was definitely my favorite song on the album. Methings is really awesome too. Keep it up, dude!

Kher Keep is such a damn good song. Need to purchase this tonight...

This is so good! Definitely put a smile on my face smile

C++ with improvements. Holy C.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I use 7F for empty but I feel like I see more people using 00 for empty.

As for organization things... I use chains 00 - 1F for PU1 and PU2, 20 - 2F for WAV and 40 - 4F for NOI. This really only keeps it organized in the beginning, while I haven't got many chains. Phrases usually follow the same convention. Try to always name your instruments! This has been so helpful for me.

I think as many others have mentioned, you'll get your own way of organization after time.

My GBC does this too... Vibrato and Note Slides didn't work... I think it might only be the early GBC models. Do you happen to have either the dark purple or transparent purple GBCs?


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Pgil... I love your music. It made my day to come across this album!