(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I've been strongly considering getting a Volca FM lately and this seems like it would fill a similar need. Could you explain the differences and maybe why you think it would be worthwhile to spend the extra $$ for a SammichFM?

Couldn't we just keep it simple and call it Dark Chip?

Customink actually. Thanks Jaffa wink

Sweet. Keaton and I will be there.

I designed a Laohu sweatshirt, thought a few of you might like them.


Get them here

catskull wrote:

Huh, how interesting. Would a simple channel re-assigner/midi through box be useful? Like one input, 4 outputs with the ability to adjust which channels the through goes to on the fly.

I would be interested in that.

I've always enjoyed your stuff, best of luck to you with all of these new changes.

1. Absolutely possible. You would either need a MIDI THRU (as suggested above) or you can just use MIDI THRU with each of your devices if they have that option. Using the second option, I have run MIDI from the gameboy out to 3 devices simulatneously, on 4 MIDI channels.
2. Getting LSDJ onto a cart depends on which cart you use, but 64m Smart Card and Drag and Derp both have USB functionality.
3. I don't believe it is possible to sync two GBs while also using the MIDI function. They are two separate modes.


(10 replies, posted in Atari)

Very cool, I'd love to try to build something like this one day.

So, am I correct in assuming the most recent release (0.80a) is basically just to demo the GUI? I mean, I can't seem to do much else other than navigate. Most functionality is still unusable, correct?

I think Bitman will be finished with some tutorials about this soon.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

katsumbhong wrote:

Zherey in China was our source.

That looks like a very Chinese way to spell 'Jerry'.


(3 replies, posted in Past Events)

Looks like a sweet show.

A list like this already exists.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)


catskull wrote:

Have you checked any of the new TLD's Nonfinite? It looks like Matt also bought nonelectronics.xyz

Beautifully done!