(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

float.bridges wrote:

Lolyeah, it just kinda happened.

Better than discussing a rip-off auction that is dead.


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I wonder if the Ghostbusters  Ectoplasm Energy Drink is the same flavor as a particular Hi-C.


(11 replies, posted in Atari)

Thanks for giving additional insight on this issue.  This is what I was hoping OP would get from someone with more familiarity with the 2600s.

OP said the controllers worked fine with Star Raiders (although now I see that it is only a single player game...).  Not sure if both ports are used at the same time for this game.

I had a question of my own, unrelated to the above issue, but I can't recall what.  Your reply did give me some ideas for a custom controller for constant notes.  Gotta love the drone.

Edit:  According to the manual for the game you "Plug the Video Touch Pad firmly into the RIGHT CONTROLLER jack", so if it were working properly with this game wouldn't that suggest it is not related to the controller port?  I don't have the game, and don't have my supercharger available to see what buttons are used.

I will be standing by.  I have a small order I want to place.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have never used a 4 LED backlight (but have a green Density on the way), however I think the point is better light distribution.  Beyond that, all backlights used with inverted polarization film should work the same.

Green is a good choice for visibility.  I am also fond of yellow.  I think most people agree that white and teal are the best choices.

Did you see my post above?

Matt, is there some way I can put together an order and include a 3_clk?  I am not worried about instructions or wires or anything like that.


(11 replies, posted in Atari)

I though someone else would get back to you pretty quick with useful ideas or info.

You said you already worked on a switch.  I would suggest yoi open it back up, visually make sure everything looks to be in good condition, with everything connected properly, and check stuff with a meter.

I wish I could help you in person, as the symptoms seem odd to me.  My first guess is either an issue with controllers/ports, or something related to the cartridge (not getting a good connection).  When you say you tried multiple controllers were they all keyboard controllers?  Which type of keyboard controllers did you use?  If you swap them does the one on the right still not do anything other than in options?    Did you try all 8 switch settings (you change them with the system turned on), and if so the only time you get anything related to the right controller is with beatbox settings when you powered it on (but no input), right?  We may need to look into how the controllers work (pinouts, etc).  I am a bit busy for the next couple days, but I will try to look this up for you, and I will mess with some of mine to see if I can replicate your problem if we don't find anything leading to a fix. Can you buy, borrow or steal another cartridge that uses both controller ports and test functionality that way?  What model is your 2600?


(11 replies, posted in Atari)

Synthcart should function just like any other cart when inserting it.  That might give you somewhere to start.


(9 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

I have one with similar symptoms that I hope to eventually get back around to.  I also could not find anything that would cause shorting or stress on the boards (but I know that is the cause of my issues due to when I run into problems).

Do you have any other mods? Is there any event that might cause it (holding it a certain way makes it happen more often, or it usually happens when you press a button, etc)?


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a few speak and whatevers (at least one each read and math), and a couple cartridges for speak and spell (I think), but some mods have been done.  They are packed up somewhere in boxes.  PM me if you are interested.


(9 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Which backlight is it? How exactly do you have it installed?

easy_ps2 is great.  I went with option 2 for lower profile and ease of opening the case (and I like looking at the hardware used to attach stuff).  Waiting on the black cases as I have some silly ideas for a theme.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nerdsome wrote:

Nobody cares about what it really is.

If you say so.

Another option is checking with people on retrocomputing forums.

Here are a couple I lurk at:

What are you planning to do with it?