Sure man, just sharing my opinion on things
Thanks A lot for you're help is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Sure man, just sharing my opinion on things
Thanks A lot for you're help
XD i dont feel that way but thanks for the feedback
Oh soz i meant i spent a week writing the songs and did a day recording them lolz my bad XD
But that's you want to be remembered with a rushed first release or a really good debut that will have people remember you?
I guess i actually spend like a week recording the songs on it though
yeah i just wanted to put something out there
It's too bad you don't have a page for donations.........
So since im trying to get involved with the chip community that makes me a troll i just wanted too put something out there
I've been working on a EP for almost two years and you roll in and do it in one day.
thats how i roll JKS
Nah i just wanted to put something out there to get started
Impressions on the EP guys?
Thanks for backing me up
Congrats. You're the biggest troll we have seen around here.
Please dont comment on my music i do not appreciate you're negativity
My facebook page 5990199020
Hah, awesome. Now somebody needs to sample George the speaking clock.
Some of these songs sound like only half of the song, if you catch my drift? Also everything sounds like, phase inverted or something? I dunno what that is. Anyway keep it up bro!
Its brick-core its meant to be like that
Lolz i was just thinking about the time i took the beep test at school and then sampled it and put some speedcore <__> XD
Thanks for you're feedback
Is that some beep test?
Yeah i took samples from the beep test XD im into random sampling
My first EP I've put about 60+Hours into this
All made on LSDJ and edited on Logic Pro
Jesus christ that was quick
Just Finished My NEW EP hellz Yeah / Forums / Posts by square0ne