(36 replies, posted in Releases)

this is not music that i would admit to writing. sorry but like...this is boring as shit. i mean REALLY, REALLY boring nintendobro jumpup psuedocrap with no direction or place in chipmusic; quite literally just shoehorning some menial chiptune in there with your line6 amps and ambiguous guitars and pearl forum drums with sabian cymbals with no finesse or attention to songwriting. the only thing you are missing to make this more bro is breakdown parts and crowdkills. let me make it clear that there is nothing unique about this stuff. i suggest the band start utilizing techniques that are more along the lines of something like this:

this stuff makes me ashamed to have written chipmusic, it embarrasses me to write music that could in some way be compared to this. its quite possibly the noise that my nightmares are made of. please stop.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

yeah its good, thx!


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lets not forget about all the disposable batteries and noise pollution caused by dmg's.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

'nintendocore' in the tags, cant give it a chance due to my beliefs of attrition warfare


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

how about driving your cars into a ravine instead of putting this kind of cart in front of a well-oiled horse, haahahah


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

fuck man, thats terrible to hear. dont sweat selling these items, any of us who would take the time to read that would understand your situation. dude had an impact on you, so try and remember that, and share that positive impact with others in as inspiring of a way as you can. someone here will help out with that stuff, be strong man.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)


http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … ishment-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … ibution-ep


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … hjiggla-ep


http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -volume-ep


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

we have been cranking this a bunch over at our place, and jumping back into your old material too. great stuff!


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … elation-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … mystery-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … tz-remixes


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … arcadia-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … s-pocus-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … rp-zone-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -magfest-7

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … ne-wars-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … h-aint-one

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -1994-1997


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -defeat-ep


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … itionalism


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … tronics-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … destiny-ep

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … ows-eve-ep

three releases to start out with for this month, all fairly experimental, but all chip in their own way. have a listen!


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.ebay.com/itm/191027459517?ss … 555.l2649=

posting in general because the mods seemed to have closed some other thread about this. maybe this is that gb's son or something.

http://tempsoundsolutions.arnoldascher. … ystylez.it

its 24k btw, ahahah

or maybe this:

http://tempsoundsolutions.arnoldascher. … 0point.mp3

i played this live in the wheeler auditorium, which is like this lecture hall in the main branch of the library here in baltimore, i guess this must have been 2003 or so. its sort of slow, sludgy chiptune with polyharmonic guitars and weird samples of a girl screaming her head off that i sampled out of law and order. i freaked a bunch of old people out with this. basically performers were drawn at random out of a hat, it was a really neat show.