No seriously... Why are still talking about this?
If you want to talk 8bc drama.. go to 8bc and talk drama. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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No seriously... Why are still talking about this?
If you want to talk 8bc drama.. go to 8bc and talk drama.
technical shorthand "drasmosis"
*hugs the shifter of bits*
why is this being discussed here?
man, I wish I could see Exuviae
will have video uploaded soon.
man... i really want it.. but.. >_< bah.. sorry homie. someone should pick this up quick. good price. 8 outs! would make for a great drum sampler for live shows..
Big Thanks to everyone that came out.
I Posted pictures on the first post with a link to the flickr set. i'll have more images as i get them from people who took them.
I also took video & audio recordings. To which if i can get them imported and synced i'll upload asap!
In other news: New CC out guys! xD
Just listen to that stuff... Insectica (of 04) included lobat version yet though...
Yeah, i'm totally trying to provoke now... for da lulz.... but shouldn't work when done on purpose this time around.
lol.. i'm listening to it right now.. as typical CC.... i like the music.. but alices screaming vocals are just horrible. seems like
they have come to figure out there sound though which is cool i guess.. title track is pretty good. I'm sure it will get lots of radio play.
meh. oh well.. they exist, we will have to get over that and move on. haha
low-gain wrote:thats what i'm saying.
I can't believe people aren't nabbing these up!Disgusts me?
psshh... c'mon i was tired. lol my spelling ability goes down when i'm either 1/2 awake or in a hurry. hahaha
that would be AWESOME if he started updating the keyboard code. Abelton live style clip triggring please!
Discussed, lol.
They look good.
thats what i'm saying.
I can't believe people aren't nabbing these up!
Wow I am totally out of the loop. what is midi boy?
thats a whole other thread topic. hahaha
More to be announced on that later.
If Logan made a box that got Piggy (PSP!), LSDJ, Nanoloop and MIDI all talking to each other I'd be all over Paypal in an instant....!
When you see Midi Boy released.. that's when you know to drop me a PM.
the fact that they aren't selling at $30 discussed me.. you can't buy a usb keyboard for your PC for that price at a local box store. hahaha
so logan, when are you finally going to build the device that i think only i really want? you know, all the features of piggy->midi, arduinoboy, lsdjmc2 (plus full nanoloop 2.x support) cv/trigger and 2x8 dual mode merger/thru in one rack unit?
it all comes down to cash flow. hahaha
MIdi Boy is shaping up nicely. As soon as i get the code finished up i can lay out the board..
From there the other features you want should already be finished via pcb's on my end anyways.. just ad a simple paia Midi2CV8 and .. dual mode merger/thru!?!? !Shit son.... what the hell you need that for. hahahahha
but the reality of most of those things in 1 rack unit is quite possible. I can make it happen
oh c'mon people. buy the painted ones!!! they look cool!
Yep, I'm interested.
To sidetrack slightly : I was toying with the idea of adding another thru or two to your LSDJMC^2, Is there a easy way to do that? (PCBs in existence?)
yeah.. buy a kit and use the thru box with the lsdmc2 har har har.
you could bucher the lsdjmc2 case and stick it inthe lsdjmc2.. but... that would be mean. hahaha
but on a serious note...
you'll need to wire up a small circuit using a 74hc14 buffer
but it could be done relatively easily. since the 74hc14 has like. 4-6 buffers(too early in the morning to remember exactly) you could easily add more if you wanted. / Forums / Posts by low-gain