electricloverecords wrote:

to create more complex melodies and harmonics you can use a scale, which is a set of notes that go together.  a scale might be D, F, G, G#, A, C, C#, and then back to D.  if you're song is the D scale i just wrote, you can play around with those notes and it will mostly go together.

you have the right idea of scales but thats not quite accurate. you can't "write" your own scales. it is what it is. scales have already been defined by all our predecessors.

Im trying to think of what scale that might be, but none came to mind. you missed the E.

every scales hits every note on the musical alphabet ( A B C D E F G)

so a D scale starts on D, then goes to E, then F , G, A, B, C then hits that next D, then goes back down.

what determines exactly what kind of scale it is is whether the starting note is flat, sharp, or natural, and the sequence of intervals (musical distance [half step, whole step, 1 1/2 steps]) used for the rest of the notes.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

damn wish I had some dough I like that black clearboy


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:

I am writing a series of articles on LSDJ techniques over at noisechannel.org.  A bunch of them cover WAV channel techniques.  My goal is to help people understand how everything works so they can experiment more confidently.  The articles include explanations, patches, and examples.  Maybe check them out?

These all deal with WAV techniques.


where is the link to the first one please?


(46 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

jefftheworld wrote:

just an average musician who knows how to play flight of the bumble bee.

the average musician can't play flight of the bumblebee, that's not an average kind of  song..................


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

HPizzle wrote:

yea, I started taking piano lessons two years ago. One of the best decisions i ever made with my life. it's like learning a second language. i still can't sight read very well unless its an easy song where your hands aren't moving too much, but if they're is a lot of movement i find myself having to look down at the keys, and then i lose my place on the sheet music. i usually just play a piece until i memorize it. My piano teacher is the complete opposite and it amazes me. Everyone is different i guess. also i'm glad decktonic posted the video of the ridiculous sight reader - that dude is my hero.

It's all about practice man, Im in a similar situation. My piano teacher can sight read like nothing Ive ever seen but she also has her masters degree in piano performance. so remember practice!

vinegar works better than alcohol for removing the battery crud IMO.

but use rubbing alcohol to clean the pcbs off though


(102 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can, because my piano teacher is hot and I want to impress her.

That's a true story.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

what kind of paint did you use?


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah the reel to reel is sweet!


(14 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I have a korg X3 i've been thinking about selling

Auxcide wrote:

What kind of case is that one on the right with the mini kp in it?

pukey puke....

As the thread title says, I am wondering what would it entail and how hard would it be to put both mods in one case.

what would have to be changed from either one?


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

DROP 1410 wrote:


yeah funny how threads always get derailed for really stupid reasons


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

caps get old, lose performance, leak chemicals and ruin traces

Back in my modelling days, for primer I liked to use this stuff called gesso, you can get it in a spray can.

I liked it because it absorbed paint better and when you sanded it it got as smooth as glass.

Heres some pics of a keyboard that I am doing right now, not quite done. I used krylon indoor/outdoor for the red, black and ivory. the dark gray is just primer because I couldn't find anything that matched that color. The light gray is just some cheap stuff cause krylon didn't have flat gray. Got them all at Wal Mart.

couple coats of primer, sand down then several thin coats of color.
and it helps if your primer is either white or a lighter tint of whatever color is going on top.

and I plan on painting this pixelated mushroom sprite on the 10 key section but Im not sure how yet.
at first I thought stencils but will probably do it by hand.

oh yeah and I don't really think acrylic would be your best choice, not durable enough unless you put a clear overcoat on it then it would work.