oh my that mashup is so enjoyable

Do you like the song PonPonPon? Do you want to remix it? Do you have LSDJ or some way of reading it?
Do you like my cover of PonPonPon? Do you hate it and want to fix it? Do you have LSDJ or some way of tweaking it?
Well here's all of my hard work right here.
Remix re-record, change, gut, take melodies out, fix instruments, do whatever. I was thinking of putting them all on my collab bandcamp so that everyone who enjoys the hit song can download their favorite remixes of PonPonPon all from one source. Have fun!


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

So gooooood

10spd wrote:

Sounds like a plan.
Will have hard copies of Radmobile and hopefully a democut of EX by then.
Got the track finished, just haven't recorded anything yet.

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. I'll swap you a physical EP and a sweet sweet single w/ remixes


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Ok guys, so after much deliberation I have this proposal to offer regarding cost, and art has some rebuttals for later but I'll let him voice them.

So we release the album on October 31st for free, with a pay what you want until December 7th. The funds will go directly to my personal paypal but on a seperate bandcamp that I will make, and I will post the tally for you guys and we can decide what to do with the money then, such as: buy 1,2 toys for tots toys and then spare change goes in Salvation Army buckets. Easy to reach, easy to manage, and then we can have fun picking out toys :3
Now as my Paypal has little to no activity 99% of the time, money will be easy to track and there's no chance of corruption of like an old ebay fee coming through or whatever, plus their statements are easy to read and find out where it comes from, etc.

Alright now for cover art: We should post another thread in General Discussion to see if anyone has art to contribute and then vote on. Sound good?

I will make OP thread updates when we decide. Thanks!
Also: By friday I will make general announcement PM's to Everyone regarding the collab to follow up and see how everyone is doing and to make sure they understand that they are entitled to multiple submissions. :3 Thank you guys! This is going great I love working with you all.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Pandora blows, id worry more about a company staying in business if they actually had good playlists or introduced me to good music.

My concern isn't with Pandora staying in business or making sure their service has AAA songs my concern is them complaining about royalties cus greed.
And then what if it goes through, smaller artists are going to be cheated out of money they're barely getting as is.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

IME- conventional airplay doesn't pay that well either, but also....

When content providers in any field want something from Congress, they exaggerate to get their way, and are often seeking a competitive advantage.

Downstate wrote:

internet radio's pay money to people ? i didnt realise that. hmmm i dont have much view on the subject. idont think any of us hold any hope of buying a condo with radio royalties anytime soon. also its kind of 2012 and musicians all understand now that everone rapes your music. and you l pretty much only make a living of it if you do commercial shit like music for ads/games and constantly playing shows. not that i condone radio's skanking on royalties or anything, more ive just come to expect no money to come by way by radio play and shit like that.

Basically. I just thought I'd bring it up.
Interesting take here.
I think to solve this I think everyone else's cost should raise up to what Pandora pays and then everyone will be all "what a twist!" and then radio people will shut up and then pandora will be that kid in the crowd who asked if the teacher was going to assign homework when they had forgotten and the rest of the class groans and hates them.
if only.

Retrogamer09 wrote:

Allright, I definitely understand what you guys mean when you said go google it! ; however, If you do not have a project in mind nor a specific question but what you want to know is the basics of electronics, I mean I can go and google resistor because I know that exists and it is important but I know there are a lot of other devices that I am not even aware of that I could never google because I do not know them.

So, I was wondering if there is a source where you go and can start learning from the pretty basic stuff, something that will start explaining about the different things I should know but I am not aware of.

Google is usefull If I know already what I am looking for, But what I want to know really is what I am not aware of yet!

And well if books are gay for some people then why don´t you show me the  heterosexual way you used to learn this?

I've found practice makes perfect and perfect practice is easy practice which are basic projects like Backlighting or something like that. Grab yourself a soldering iron and practice on stuff you won't be devastated to mess up :3
And guides for that kinda stuff are a dime a dozen. I say as they're free. But seriously there's alot of easy stuff and really specific guides for it. So yeah.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

~Hi I'm the owner and Pandora and we've been paying unfair costs. Up to 50% of our revenue going to record labels and artists, 60% more than sirius radio pls help pass this legislation so we pay less~ paraphrase of the ad I just heard on Pandora.

what in the.
I remember a thread a while ago about making money off chip, and in the thread people talked about how artists here were like making pennies off of their stuff being on the internet radio. Like I understand they have lots of popular songs I guess but trying to pass legislation so they pay less instead of just limit their selection (you know, like other smart services like Netflix) just seems kind of lame. Anyone else have thoughts?


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

10spd wrote:

Are you coming to the show, man?

put me down as a maybe. haha.


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Lavar wrote:

Can you change my choice? I decided on Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! and dropped All I Want for Christmas, because PianoGameboy wanted dibs on that.

How especially kind of you! I'll make the changes now!

Laffe the Fox wrote:

Sent you a PM with my track. Classic Laffe Christmas style; very messy, haha. Had fun making it though, hope you like it! ^^

Recieved! It was AWESOME.

snesei wrote:
PianoGameboy wrote:

Or if you wanted we could have each person do their own cover and have each one tagged to their specific track.
IIRC Pornophonique did something like that, have a different cover for each track.

Also, random thought I just had, since this is going up on Bandcamp, why not have it pay-what-you-want instead of just free, and if anyone decides to give a little money, donate it to something like Toys for Tots or Child's Play?
Gotta spread the holiday spirit, guys.
or something.

I like this idea alot

I like it too! I'll have to figure out how to do it and talk with Sad Panda to see who can set it up, let us know if you have any preferences.
Also regarding multiple tracks my only concern with letting everyone cover your first choice and having multiple versions of each song is pretty cool, but then we'd probably end up with like 5 versions of a few songs instead of 20 fresh christmas tracks.
BUT if we wanna do this we can do it this way: We set it up so everyone has one official submission but if you guys wanna do a song someone else did we can set it up so they are bonus tracks on the Bandcamp so that they can have an addition to the 15-20 tracks and HEY ITS A DIFFERENT VERSION TO ANOTHER SONG. We will set it up so that its like an attached bonus album .zip or something so then people aren't deprived of multiple versions but aren't swamped with a potentially 30 track album so sift through, how does that sound?

› OP thread update:

calmdownkidder wrote:
Dr Treble wrote:

I had no idea Kotaku community would be this lame.

Check out this guy, not realising anyone who regularly reads anything on the Gawker network is a complete and utter tosser.

Lol I guess that's what I get for sticking to mostly social media when I'm online.

snesei wrote:
VCMG wrote:

Hey, Kotaku has the story now.

omg so much anamanaguchi h8

woah wtf srs. People can't even appreciate their humore re: lizzie mcguire either they're just like WERE NERDS WE EXPECT ANAMANAGUCHI TO BE REACTIONARY BIGOTS LIKE US.
People who expect people who got screwed over to just "deal with it", then complain about them saying something about it are lame. I had no idea Kotaku community would be this lame.


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Auxcide wrote:

I don't want it too corny though. I did like the idea of a Christmas tree with a bunch of a chipware around it. Or something else to that effect (I dunno what to do if this has more than just Christmas)
But I do like the art now too. I think it could have the tracklist on it still. smile

Edit: actually snesei, it'd be awesome to have a real photo of an eggnog carton with with the album name and something like a soundchip or a dmg/nes/controller on it.

I might try to do a mock up of what's in my mind, but I m no pro or anything.

How about- dare I say- MULTIPLE COVERS. We can commission multiple covers and then vote for our favorite (including a diff title if need be) and then have a pdf that will download with which contains every cover we liked but not the main kind.
Cus I really like those ideas too. I'll see if my photographer friends are interested.

snesei wrote:
Auxcide wrote:

Nah. We got a whole nother compilation for that.

omg plz say it isn't true

OK Lets wait until like January or something but this needs to happen. "Disney H8s Chipsters- A compilation where we trash every Disney melody that haunted our childhood"


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Jake Allison wrote:
SadPanda wrote:

I don't think you should use your personal bandcamp, I'd say either make a new one (I just made another using the same email as my personal) or someone should set up a bandcamp "not another chiptune compilation" for all future themed compilations to go on.

A chip comp bandcamp is not a bad idea, but I do not have a problem with it being on Doc Trebz's personal. I think we should get it everywhere!

It needs some sweet art though

Is the current art not sweet enough? tongue I've gotten mad compliments on it already but, once again, its up to the general consensus. A comp bandcamp wouldn't be a bad idea, esp considering I thought of maybe doing publicity/mini-label kinda stuff on my own in my free time so I can always get a head start on that.