(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

Yeah, but what did they pay you for what you sold to them?

$20 in 1990. But I'm not actually sure where they get their stuff since it's a chain that is super sketchy and never see anyone pawn much, but they do occasionally have good prices on stuff just not new consoles or older games that are a little rare.


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Theta_Frost wrote:

Where are you finding them? All the thrifts I regular hardly ever have any.

There's a used game store chain in Madison called Pre Played that I bought a black Play It Loud at for $15 and a Pocket there for $15 as well. They also sell a lot of movies so games might not be there thing. The other place is Pawn America, I bought a copy of Tetris for $0.99 and a Grey Boy for $10. Also here's the link to Pawn America's video game console pricing, they don't have DMG's on the list but they do have Colors for $8.www.pawnamerica.com/video-game-systems/


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

For me in Wisconsin DMG's whether they are play it loud or not they are about $10-15 which is the same for Pockets. I think colors are a little more but I haven't seen any at the local shops for a while. But most of my local stores have tons of Gameboy Cameras for less than $10 usually around $8.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:
z3r0 wrote:

I wouldn't put one in my gameboy unless somebody was just giving them out.

You mean any backlight, or these?

No just those, I've been meaning to get a couple from kitsch.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I wouldn't put one in my gameboy unless somebody was just giving them out.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The DMG hasn't been backlighted yet as I'm waiting for Kitsch to release the new cases so I can  make a bigger order.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Between a DMG, a pocket and color which has the longest battery life. Im going on trip and I want to know how long I have with each before the batteries die. Also would one of the Game Boy lights that's been modded with a blue LED annoy you?


(51 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have a blue pocket, it's pretty awesome it was what I was going to backlight and prosound. Got that one for $15 But that plan backfired when I picked up a DMG from my neighborhood pawn chain store for $10.

That flash light idea is pretty awesome but I might hold out on backlighting it for a little while.

I have a new to me Gameboy Pocket and I was wondering if I should backlight it? I have experience with electronics innards and some soldering ability but I dont want to mess up this gameboy.  So is backlighting an mgb as hard as it appears to be?