
(33 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

pivot. wrote:

thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll stop trying to write my own music for a while and just experiment around, find instruments that suit me, and sit around chiptuning just fucking around with it. I HAVE done some basic music theory practice and i have taken down notes that I use if I get stuck.

this is where i want my music to go, eventually. I'm going for an ambient style of chiptunes, if anyone has tried that. The song isn't a chiptune, but one of my recent favorites nevertheless.

I think incorporating live mode into your composing process would probably help with that style.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I use wireless headphones so I don't have to actually sit there while listening. It sacrifices some audio quality (and stereo panning), but it gets the job done (I don't have an mp3 player or cellphone atm). I don't remember when I stopped listening to music casually instead of making an event out of it (maybe when i got my first CD for my birthday), but I'm trying not to fall into the modern "classical" style of having to sit still and be shush in order to enjoy it. It's not as fun that way, imo.

As far as "Roots" goes, it's got so much variety in it, it almost feels more like a marathon than a 2 hour series debut special. 50/50 can't fit in an entire playthrough in one go of focused listening. It makes great house cleaning music, though.

Haven't listened to much Anamanguchi... in any case, I listened to the song first before actually watching the video, and I just realized that the Gameboy is the vocalist in the band + All this time I thought there was only one guitarist playing rhythm/power chords... I'll have to start paying more attention to what the lead guitar guy is doing.

The video was really cool. I was somewhat relieved at the VR ending, but then you pulled a "Thriller" on us... yikes


(7 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

@Dragonforce and SOAD:
It kind of sounds like you took midis of the songs and applied an 8bit sound-bank to them. These covers don't really bring anything interesting and unique to the tunes. It's too straight.

They also lack the 8bit/video-game-esque style and adherence to limitations that make other such covers interesting to listen to. And the mix just seems very congested. The leads don't stand out enough. Bass is kind of weak, but that's just my personal preference.

If you transcribed these by ear, top-knotch job on that. You did choose some good lead and melody sounds. And the drums aren't too bad either. Oh, and the panning is nice.


(8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Your percussion sounds are really nice and punchy. Your music sounds very video game-ish. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like all your music are video game remixes? Are there any completely original tunes that I'm overlooking?

I must say, the robot voice saying "dack! zoink!" every five seconds is just very distracting. It's like listening to an online radio broadcast that's trying to keep people from bootlegging the music. This is only the second time I've encountered watermarked music (first would be Lecrae's "Church Clothes" with "Tha Cannon *echo echo echo*" every five seconds). Honestly... it's just very distracting and feels kind of paranoid. To me, it'd be okay of it just pops up once or twice, or was incorporated into the music. But to each his own.

Anyway, some sounds do come off a bit fake sounding, but I have no idea whether it's actually fake or not. But you have good sounds, and fun composition.


(33 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Try humming along to your percussion. Try simply using basic instrument sounds instead of getting stuck trying to make something complex sounding.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

tacticalbread wrote:

I got it to sound good in just wine, but the sound is a second or two behind what you see.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

here's a great one:


Yeah! I like this one. I found it while searching for the classic video game chiptunes. At first I was like (O.o) then I was like (-_-) then I was like \m/(^_^)\m/

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jefftheworld wrote:

Why are you folks so desperate for chipmusic to be 'taken seriously'?  If you make serious music, then it's totally fine for you to present it in a serious way, but why get all anal about what other people are doing?

'Chiptune' isn't exactly a genre of music.  If someone did a ska guitar cover of Call me Maybe I don't think the serious classical guitarists out there would get all angry that people weren't taking guitars seriously.

The serious ska fans and artists probably would be annoyed if they don't like pop. Long live Ska! It lives! BTW, I think the classical guitar ship has sailed in regards to prominence in the public popular eye...

That'd be a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the amount of serious guitar work out there. The guitar has been established for centuries as a serious medium. Ukulele is a bit closer to what chiptune probably looks like to the non-initiated/non-invested. The typical 8bit pop covers are a dime a dozen... they are usually better than the originals, but still...

A ska (or any other genre-based) cover of the song would be more interesting to me personally, because I like to see how different tunes can be adapted to different rhythms and aesthetics and genres. (Coincidentally: My ukulele ska cover of chibitechs moe moe kyunstep tongue)

Chiptune covers are interesting, because they can go from the super faithful, to extremely experimental reinterpretation, but it's just a very strange situation, with chiptune being a relatively new less-established medium compared to guitars and pianos and the human voice and stuff. Edit: I think remixes are coolest when they come from the original artist, though. Like Troupe Gammage chiptuning his band SPEAK's song "Carrie".

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(55 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

8bitDAD wrote:

curious if there would be any reason why piggy would fail to run on rasbian, the raspberry pi optimized build of debian linux. I think it'd be pretty rad to build a dedicated piggy tracker R-pi. What with the customization options and ability to add components to the Rpi, it could turn out pretty rad. and cheaper than a dingoo/caanoo/psp.

Yeah. But not quite as portable unless you build a screen and interface device around it.


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Calavera wrote:

Hey CM.O,

I'm a 24-year-old child from Melbourne, Australia (which as most of you know, has a great chip music community - so i'm very lucky!).
I really like this forum, it's helpful, interesting and fairly welcoming for newbies, like myself.
By trade i'm a video editor and motion graphics designer, and have been experimenting with some gameboys for about 6 months now.
I made a trippy android game called NinjaRave once.
And back in my uni days I used to make pretty cool 2D animations.

I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to know you all a bit, and growing as a musician.
- Josh

big_smile I love those reaction games. I made a game like that for PC once upon a time. Inspired by one of the Kirby games and Iaido. Fun times.



(40 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Huh. All this time I've been checking "member profile>view posts" for first post date to determine whether one is a newb or not. So much easier to just hover over their PM button. heart this thread.

Hm. I was expecting this to sound more dancy. A bit refreshing/bearable to hear this song this way.

walter b. gentle wrote:

when i play this song on just dance 4 theres a part where i hold my wiimote up to my ear like a telephone that makes me feel like a boss. but uhh . . . chip is serious business.

My favorite song in that game is the Skrillex one. Haven't quite mastered the Tutting section, though... Oh, also "Instanbul" and the Bollywood Night Rider song.


(103 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you make something you want to release but isn't really of good quality why not just share with friends

what is friends?

... could be a possible issue.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

That's awesome. Love that green.

I thought it was a Moby Dick angel.

Intro of the first track almost turned me away (personal preference), but I'm glad I stayed for the rest of it. Good stuff.